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3.堰塞湖的读音为yàn sè hú,在四声中第一声和第二声都是轻声。








6.Yanselake is a natural water body that is usually located in the upper reaches of a river, formed by natural disasters such as flash floods and mudslides that block the river with large amounts of sediment.

The main reasons for the formation of Yanselake are as follows:

(1) Flash floods: In mountainous areas, due to heavy rainfall, exposed surface and poor soil texture, flash floods are prone to occur. When the impact force of flash floods is too strong, it will bring a large amount of sediment into the riverbed, causing siltation.

(2) Mudslides: In high mountain areas with complex geological structures and heavy rainfall, mudslides are prone to occur. When mudslides pass through, they will bring a large amount of rocks, soil and vegetation into the riverbed, causing siltation.

(3) Landslide collapse: In high mountain areas with complex geological structures and heavy rainfall, landslides are prone to occur. When landslides collapse, they will bring a large amount of soil and rocks into the riverbed and form a barrier dam, blocking the river.

(4) Glacier lake outburst flood: Due to climate change and other reasons, the water level of glacier lakes rises. When the water level rises to a certain level, glacier lake outburst flood may occur. The large amount of water flow and sediment after the outburst will enter the riverbed and cause siltation.

The pronunciation of Yanselake is yàn sè hú, with both first tone and second tone being light tones.

Examples of Yanselake:

(1) Due to a recent flash flood, a Yanselake has formed in the upper reaches.

(2) After the landslide collapse, a barrier dam with a height of tens of meters was formed.

(3) Due to the outburst of a glacier lake, a large Yanselake appeared downstream.

(4) Due to the mudslides bringing in large amounts of sediment, the previously calm river has turned into a Yanselake filled with rocks and soil.

(5) The local government is taking measures to clear the mudslides blocking the river in order to prevent the formation of new Yanselakes.

Words related to Yanselake: barrier dam, group of Yanselakes, area of Yanselakes, water level of Yanselake, glacier lake outburst flood.

In summary, Yanselake is a natural water body formed by natural disasters such as flash floods and mudslides that block the river with large amounts of sediment. Its formation can be caused by various factors such as flash floods, mudslides, landslide collapses, and glacier lake outburst floods. The pronunciation is yàn sè hú and it can be used in different contexts such as describing its formation or current situation. It is important for local governments to take measures to prevent or mitigate the formation of new Yanselakes in order to protect people's lives and property.


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