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2.塔里木盆地的读音为tǎ lǐ mù péndì,其中“塔里木”一词来自于古代波斯语,意为“黑色的河流”,而“盆地”一词则表示其地形为凹陷的平原。





7.Tarim Basin(英文)

1. The Tarim Basin is a basin located in the western part of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, bordered by the Tianshan Mountains to the north, the Kunlun Mountains to the south, the Altai Mountains to the east, and the Pamir Plateau to the west. Its geographical location is of great importance as it serves as a vital passage connecting Central Asia and South Asia.

2. The pronunciation of Tarim Basin is tǎ lǐ mù péndì, with "Tarim" derived from ancient Persian meaning "black river", and "basin" indicating its concave plain ography.

3. The Tarim Basin is a typical inland basin with an area of about 500,000 square kilometers. Its characteristics include arid climate, extreme weather conditions, and severe desertification. The annual average rainfall is only around 20 millimeters, with hot winds and high temperatures in summer and cold and dry weather in winter. These climatic conditions result in sparse vegetation, mostly desert and desertification.

4. Due to its location at the junction of the Eurasian Plate and the Indian-Australian Plate, the Tarim Basin is affected by tectonic movements between the two plates. This has led to complex geological structures and frequent earthquakes in the region. Additionally, there are abundant oil and gas resources in the basin, making it an important energy base for China.

5. The Tarim Basin is also characterized by its diverse ethnic groups. The main ethnic groups in this region are Uyghur, Han, Kazakh, etc., with rich cultural traditions and customs. Moreover, due to wars and migrations throughout history, the area has formed a blend of diverse cultures.

6. Some compound words related to Tarim Basin include Tarim River, Taklamakan Desert, Kuche County, Aksu City, Kashgar City, Turpan City.

7. 塔里木盆地(中文)


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