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塑性定义的读音读法为/su2 xing4/,其中“塑”字的读音为/su4/,“性”字的读音为/xing4/。


1. 塑性材料具有良好的延展性,在受力时不易断裂。

2. 塑性材料具有较强的可变形能力,在受到外力作用时能够改变形状。

3. 塑性材料具有较强的可压缩能力,在受到压力作用时能够发生体积变化。

4. 塑性材料具有较强的可铸造能力,可以通过熔化和浇铸的方式制作出各种形状的产品。

5. 塑性材料具有良好的可塑性,可以通过加热和压制来制作出各种形状的产品。


Plasticity is the property of a material to maintain its new shape after being deformed by external forces. It is an important characteristic of materials, closely related to hardness, toughness, and other properties. The main features of plasticity include ductility, malleability, compressibility, and castability.

Ductility refers to the ability of a material to undergo length changes without losing its overall shape when subjected to tensile forces. This feature is commonly seen in metals such as copper and aluminum. They can be stretched into wires or thin sheets and have wide applications in industrial production.

Malleability refers to the ability of a material to change its shape without breaking when subjected to compressive forces while maintaining its overall structure. This feature is commonly seen in non-metallic materials like plastics, which can be molded into various shapes by heating and pressing and have significant applications in daily life.

Compressibility refers to the ability of a material to undergo volume changes without losing its overall structure when subjected to external forces. This feature is commonly seen in gases and liquids and has important applications in industrial production.

Castability refers to the ability of a material to be melted and poured into various shapes. This feature is commonly seen in metals such as iron and copper. They can be cast into various parts and industrial products, playing a crucial role in industrial production.

The pronunciation of plasticity is /su2 xing4/, with the first character "塑" pronounced as /su4/ and the second character "性" pronounced as /xing4/.

There are many examples of plasticity. For example, using plastic materials to make car bodies and interior parts can reduce the overall weight of the vehicle and improve fuel economy. In the construction industry, using malleable cement can make buildings more durable. In medical device manufacturing, castable metals can be used to create precise medical equipment.

1. Plastic materials have good ductility and are not easily broken under stress.

2. Plastic materials have strong deformability and can change shape when subjected to external forces.

3. Plastic materials have strong compressibility and can undergo volume changes when subjected to pressure.

4. Plastic materials have strong castability and can be melted and poured into various shapes.

5. Plastic materials have good malleability and can be molded into various shapes by heating and pressing.

Word combinations: plastic material, plastic deformation, malleable cement, ductility test, castable metal.

In summary, plasticity is an essential property of materials that allows them to maintain their new shape after being deformed by external forces. Its main features include ductility, malleability, compressibility, and castability. These characteristics make plasticity a crucial aspect in various industries such as automotive manufacturing, construction, and medical device production.


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