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1. 坟墓英文怎么说?

How do you say "grave" in English?


The definition of a grave is a place where a dead body is buried, typically marked by a headstone or other monument.

2. 坟墓英文怎么说?

How do you pronounce "grave"?


The pronunciation of grave is /ɡreɪv/.

3. 坟墓英文怎么说?

How is the word "tomb" used in English?


A tomb is a structure or chamber used as a burial place for the remains of one or more people.


1. The ancient pharaohs were buried in elaborate tombs filled with treasures.

2. The cemetery was filled with ornate tombs and monuments.

3. She visited her husband's tomb every year on his birthday.

4. The archaeologists discovered a hidden tomb while excavating the site.

5. The famous author's final resting place was a simple tombstone in the local cemetery.

4. 坟墓英文怎么说?

What are some related words to "grave" in English?


Some related words to "grave" include burial, cemetery, sepulcher, crypt, mausoleum, and sarcophagus.

5. 坟墓英文怎么说?

Can you provide an English translation for the Chinese word "坟"?


The English translation for "坟" is grave or tomb.

In conclusion, a grave holds great significance as it serves as the final resting place for the deceased. Its presence is often marked by a headstone or other memorial, and the English word for "坟" is grave or tomb. Other related words include burial, cemetery, sepulcher, crypt, mausoleum, and sarcophagus. It is pronounced as /ɡreɪv/. Additionally, the term "tomb" can also be used to refer to a place of burial for one or more individuals. Overall, a grave represents a place of remembrance and reverence for those who have passed on.


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