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6.塘鹅(táng é)在汉语中也有“大雁”的意思,在某些地区也被称为“塘雁”。它们主要分布在南方和东南亚,如越南、老挝等。由于栖息地受到破坏和过度捕猎,塘鹅目前处于濒危状态。









9.Tang'e is a type of waterfowl, belonging to the goose family, and is a unique species in Tangse Lake. They live in the marshy areas near the water, are good at swimming and diving, and mainly feed on aquatic plants.

10.Tang'e has grey-brown feathers covering most of its body, with a black head and neck, and a pink beak. They have a large body size, with an average length of 80 centimeters and a wingspan of up to 1.5 meters. They have strong toes and thick claws, adapted for walking on muddy wetlands.

11.Tang'e is a social animal that often lives in groups. They have a strong sense of territory and will choose a safe wetland to build their nests during the breeding season, forming a territory to protect themselves and their offspring. They have strong reproductive abilities, laying 4-6 eggs each spring which are incubated and cared for by the female bird.

12.Tang'e is gentle and friendly towards other animals in the wild. However, when threatened, they will make sharp cries and flap their wings as a warning. They have strong flying abilities and can take off from the water and glide for long periods of time.

13.Tang'e is an important wetland conservation animal as they help maintain the balance of the ecosystem. They eat excessive amounts of aquatic plants, preventing wetlands from becoming overgrown. At the same time, they are also an important food source for other animals such as fish and frogs.

14.In Chinese, Tang'e (táng é) also means "wild goose" and is sometimes referred to as "Tang goose". They are mainly found in southern China and Southeast Asian countries such as Vietnam and Laos. Due to habitat destruction and overhunting, Tang'e is currently an endangered species.

15.Example sentences:

1) Tang'e is a precious wetland conservation animal that is rarely seen in the wild.

2) I have been to Tangse Lake and saw many beautiful Tang'e swimming by the water's edge.

3) When we approached the nest of Tang'e, they made sharp cries to warn us.

4) The feathers of Tang'e are soft and smooth, making them perfect for making down jackets.

5) This country has enacted laws to protect this endangered species of Tang'e.

16.Word combinations:

Tang'e group, Tang'e lake, Tang'e nest, Tang'e conservation area, Tang'e breeding season, Tang'e habitat

17.In conclusion, tang’e is a type of waterfowl found in southern China and Southeast Asia. They have grey-brown feathers with a black head and neck. They live in marshy areas near water bodies and are good at swimming and diving. They form groups during breeding season and have strong reproductive abilities. As a wetland conservation animal, they help maintain the balance of the ecosystem by eating excessive aquatic plants. However, due to habitat destruction and overhunting, they are currently an endangered species. It is important for us to protect them and their habitat to ensure their survival.


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