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13.Lamaism, also known as Tibetan Buddhism, is a sect of Mahayana Buddhism that originated in Tibet in the 7th century. It is a syncretic religion that integrates Buddhism, Taoism, and local religious beliefs, and is considered an important part of Tibetan culture.

14.The term "Lamaism" comes from the Tibetan words "Lama" and "ma", meaning "mother of the guru". This name originates from the reverence of Lamaists for their high monks and also represents the emphasis on the close relationship between practitioners and their gurus.

15.Lamaism originated from Indian Buddhism and was introduced to Tibet by the Indian master Padmasambhava, who laid the foundation for Lamaism in Tibet in the 7th century. With the rise and development of the Tubo Kingdom, Lamaism continued to evolve and spread.

16.Historically, Lamaism had a wide influence in Tibet and had a profound impact on Tibetan politics, culture, and society. In Tibet, it is considered as the main religion and is followed by the majority of Tibetan people.

17.The core belief of Lamaism is based on the "Four Noble Truths" and "Eightfold Path", which emphasizes achieving liberation and enlightenment through practice and meditation. In addition, Lamaism has a range of unique rituals, ceremonies, and practices such as reciting scriptures, meditation, chanting mantras, etc.

18.Lamaism also has a monastic system where temples are seen as places for practitioners to practice and learn. High monks are considered authoritative figures who are responsible for teaching Buddhist doctrines and guiding practitioners. Temples also serve as social centers with multiple functions such as religious activities, education, healthcare, etc.

19.With time passing by, Lamaism has undergone many changes. In the early 20th century, it suffered severe setbacks due to political changes in Tibet. During the Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976, many temples were destroyed or closed down and numerous monks were forced to give up their practice.

20.In the 1980s, with the implementation of reform policies in China, Lamaism began to recover and develop. Currently, there are about 1.5 million Lamaist followers in Tibet with an increasing number of temples being built. Meanwhile, Lamaism has also gained more attention internationally with more people showing interest in learning about this unique religion.

21.Besides Tibet, Lamaism also has followers in other parts of China and around the world. In countries such as India, Nepal, Bhutan, there are a large number of temples and followers of Lamaism. At the same time, more and more people in developed countries like Europe and America are starting to learn about and study Lamaism.

22.In summary, Lamaism is a sect that is based on Buddhism while incorporating local religious beliefs. It has a rich variety of rituals, ceremonies, and practices while emphasizing the close relationship between practitioners and their gurus. With time passing by, Lamaism has continued to evolve and gradually gained recognition on the international stage.

23.Example sentences: In Tibet, temples are places for Lamaist practitioners to practice and learn about Buddhism.

The close relationship between practitioners and their gurus is emphasized in Lamaism with gurus being seen as spiritual guides.

In Lamaism, reciting scriptures, meditation, chanting mantras are all important practices.

With the implementation of reform policies in China, Lamaism began to recover and develop.

More and more people are showing interest in learning about this unique religion called Lamaism.

24.Words: lama, temple, guru, practitioner, Buddhism, Taoism, local religious beliefs,

close relationship,

Four Noble Truths,

Eightfold Path,

reciting scriptures,



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