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1.因地制宜英文翻译:adaptation to local conditions

2.因地制宜英文读音:/əˌdæptˈeɪʃən tu ˈloʊkəl kənˈdɪʃənz/


- Our company believes in the importance of adaptation to local conditions when expanding into new markets.

- The government's policies prioritize adaptation to local conditions in order to better serve the needs of its citizens.

- The success of this project was due to our team's ability to adapt to local conditions.

- We must take into account the cultural differences and adapt accordingly in order to succeed in this market.

- The key to our success lies in our ability to adapt and make decisions based on the specific needs of each region.


- customized adaptation (定制适应)

- regional adaptation (区域适应)

- contextual adaptation (情景适应)

- flexible adaptation (灵活适应)

- site-specific adaptation (针对特定场所的适应)


因地制宜 - adaptation to local conditions

定制适应 - customized adaptation

区域适应 - regional adaptation

情景适应 - contextual adaptation

灵活适应 - flexible adaptation

针对特定场所的适应 - site-specific adaptation


因地制宜是指根据当地的具体条件和环境,采取相应的措施或调整来达到最佳效果。在词典行业,因地制宜的英文翻译为"adaptation to local conditions",强调的是根据当地条件的适应性。这个短语在商业和领域都十分常用,特别是在跨国企业和国际关系中。因地制宜也可以指灵活性和定制性,因此也可以用于描述产品、服务或决策等方面。



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