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2.命门的读音为"mìng mén",是一个双音节词汇。其中,“命”读作"mìng",意为生命、运气;“门”读作"mén",意为通道、。



1. 中医理论认为,腰部是人体最重要的部位之一,也就是我们常说的“命门”所在。

2. 他长期坐办公室工作导致腰部不适,医生建议他多按摩命门穴来缓解症状。

3. 在针灸治疗过程中,医生会针刺命门穴来调理患者的肾脏功能。

4. 保护腰部,就是保护命门,它对我们的健康至关重要。

5. 许多人在感冒时都会出现腰部不适的症状,这是因为命门穴受到了寒气的侵袭。



1. 他一直努力奋斗,最终走过了命运之门,实现了自己的梦想。

2. 她错过了一次机会之后,才意识到那是她走进成功之门的唯一机会。

3. 在这个竞争激烈的社会,我们要抓住每一个机遇之门才能有所成就。

4. 幸运女神似乎总是站在他身边,为他打开了一个又一个机遇之门。

5. 通过努力学习和不断挑战自己,他终于走进了人生中最重要的命运之门。


1. 命运之门:指人生的关键选择和决定。

2. 机遇之门:指人生的发展机会。

3. 生命之门:指人体脊柱下方的区域,也就是命门。

4. 腰部:命门的另一种常用称呼。

5. 肾脏:命门附近最重要的器官之一。


Gate of Life: Definition and Usage

1. The Gate of Life, also known as the waist, is a region located below the spine and above the kidneys, below the ribs. It is an important part of the human body, connecting two vital organ systems and serving as a support and protective function. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, the Gate of Life is considered to be one of the key acupoints in the body.

2. The pronunciation of Gate of Life is "mìng mén", a disyllabic word. "Ming" means life or luck, while "men" means passage or entrance.

3. The Gate of Life plays an important role in traditional Chinese medicine theory. It is believed to be the starting point of both the kidney meridian and gallbladder meridian, playing a crucial role in regulating yin and yang balance and maintaining vitality. In acupuncture treatment, the Gate of Life point is often used to regulate overall health.


1. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, the waist is considered one of the most important parts of the body, also known as the Gate of Life.

2. Due to sitting in an office for long periods, he developed discomfort in his waist, and his doctor advised him to massage his Gate of Life point to alleviate symptoms.

3. During acupuncture treatment, doctors will use needles on the Gate of Life point to regulate kidney function in patients.

4. Protecting your waist means protecting your Gate of Life; it is crucial for our health.

5. Many people experience discomfort in their waist when they have a cold because their Gate of Life point has been affected by cold air.

4.The Gate of Life can also refer to opportunities and direction in life. In ancient literary works, phrases such as "fate's gate" and "opportunity's gate" are often used to describe critical choices and decisions in life.


1. He worked hard and eventually passed through fate's gate, achieving his dream.

2. After missing one opportunity, she realized it was her only chance to enter success' gate.

3. In this competitive society, we must seize every opportunity's gate to achieve success.

4. Lady Luck always seems to be by his side, opening one opportunity's gate after another.

5. Through hard work and constantly challenging himself, he finally entered the most important gate of fate in life.

5. Related words:

1. Fate's Gate: Refers to critical choices and decisions in life.

2. Opportunity's Gate: Refers to opportunities for development in life.

3. Gate of Life: Another common name for the waist.

4. Kidneys: One of the most important organs near the Gate of Life.

5. Waist: Another common name for the Gate of Life.

6.In summary, the Gate of Life is a region below the spine that connects two vital organ systems in the human body. In traditional Chinese medicine theory, it is considered a key acupoint for regulating yin and yang balance and maintaining vitality. It can also refer to opportunities and direction in life, as seen in ancient literary works. Overall, the Gate of Life is an important physical location and symbolic concept that has a significant impact on our health and achievements.


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