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1. 这款手机属于哪个品类? - 手机品类。

2. 我们公司主要经营哪些品类的产品? - 家居用品、厨房电器和家用电器等。

3. 请问这个品类的市场规模有多大? - 大约有几百万消费者。

4. 这个品类的发展前景如何? - 预计未来几年会持续增长。

5. 我们需要针对不同的品类制定不同的营销策略。


1. 品类管理

2. 品类创新

3. 品类扩展

4. 品牌品类

5. 主打品类

6.品类是什么意思?Brand category is a term used in the dictionary industry to refer to the classification of goods or services based on their characteristics, purpose or attributes, and it is a general term for similar products in the market. It helps consumers to quickly understand the characteristics of products and facilitate their purchasing decisions. Brand category can also refer to specific classifications within a certain industry or field.

In different industries and fields, brand category can have different definitions, but they usually include the following types:

(1) Product category: classified based on product attributes, purpose, function, etc., such as home appliances, clothing, food, etc.

(2) Service category: classified based on the services provided, such as logistics services, travel services, etc.

(3) Market segmentation: classified based on consumer groups, regions, etc., such as children's market, high-end consumer market, etc.

(4) Industry classification: classified based on industry attributes, such as the financial industry, education industry, etc.

(5) Channel classification: classified based on sales channels, such as online channels, offline channels, etc.

In summary, brand category is a term used to classify goods or services according to certain standards. It is an important tool for consumers to understand products and make purchasing decisions.


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