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1. 哭灵是指在信仰或传统文化中,为了向神明祈求或纪念亡灵而进行的哭泣仪式。这种仪式通常会在特定的时间或场合举行,参与者会通过哭泣来表达对逝去亲人的思念和哀悼之情。

2. 哭灵的读音为[kū líng],其中“哭”字读作[kū],意为“大声哭泣”,“灵”字读作[líng],意为“神明”或“亡灵”。

3. 哭灵一般出现在各种仪式或传统节日中,如清明节、盂兰盆节等。在这些节日里,人们会聚集在墓地、祠堂等地方,通过哭泣来缅怀逝去的亲人,并向他们祈求平安和幸福。

4. 例句1:每年清明节,我都会和家人一起去祖坟前哭灵。





5. 组词:哭泣、祈求、纪念、节日、、盂兰盆节、清明节、亡灵、家人、幸福。

6. Cry for the spirit is a ritual of weeping in religious belief or traditional culture, in order to pray to the gods or commemorate the deceased. This ritual is usually held at a specific time or occasion, and participants express their longing and grief for their loved ones through crying.

The pronunciation of "cry for the spirit" is [kū líng], with "cry" pronounced as [kū], meaning "to cry loudly", and "spirit" pronounced as [líng], meaning "gods" or "deceased".

Crying for the spirit often appears in various religious ceremonies or traditional festivals, such as Qingming Festival, G Festival, etc. On these occasions, people gather at cemeteries, ancestral halls and other places to mourn their loved ones and pray for their peace and happiness.

Example sentences:

1. Every year on Qingming Festival, my family and I go to the ancestral grave to cry for the spirit.

2. It is said that on the night of G Festival, you can see many gs wandering on the streets, so I dare not go out to participate in the ritual of crying for the spirit.

3. The tradition in this village is to hold a large ritual of crying for the spirit every year in July of the lunar calendar to commemorate the deceased villagers.

4. I think crying for the spirit is a good way to release one's longing and grief for their loved ones.

5. Although I am not religious, I still go to the cemetery to cry for my father every year on Qingming Festival. This is the best way for me to remember him.

Word combinations: weeping, praying, commemorating, festival, religion, G Festival, Qingming Festival, deceased, family members, happiness.

In conclusion, crying for the spirit is a ritual that has been passed down in various religions and cultures. It allows people to express their emotions towards their loved ones who have passed away and pray for their well-being. It also serves as a way to remember and honor those who are no longer with us.


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