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1. 司法是指通过和其他司法,依照法律规定,对违反法律的行为进行审判和裁决的一种行政活动。司法具有公正、独立、客观的特点,旨在维护社会公平正义,保障公民的合法权益。

2. 司法的读音为“sī fǎ”,其中“司”读作“sī”,意为主持、管理,“法”读作“fǎ”,意为规则、准则。

3. 司法的作用主要有以下几个方面:







1. 司法是的重要职能之一,它的作用是维护社会公平正义。

2. 司法应当依法独立行使审判权,保障公民的合法权益。

3. 法律面前人人平等,任何人都不能逃脱司法的。

4. 作为一名律师,我将竭尽所能为客户争取司法公正。

5. 司法不仅仅是对行为的惩罚,更重要的是通过审判来解决社会矛盾。

4. 司法的组词:











5. 司法是什么意思?司法的定义和作用

Judiciary refers to the administrative activity of a country through courts and other judicial institutions, in accordance with legal provisions, to adjudicate and rule on violations of the law. Judiciary is characterized by fairness, independence, and objectivity, aiming to uphold social justice and protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens.

Pronounced as "sī fǎ", with "sī" meaning to preside or manage, and "fǎ" meaning rules or norms.

The main functions of judiciary include:

(1) Maintaining social order: By adjudicating violations of the law, judiciary upholds social order and ensures social stability.

(2) Protecting citizens' rights: Through the judicial process, judicial institutions safeguard citizens' legitimate rights and interests, and protect their personal freedom and property security.

(3) Punishing illegal behavior: Judicial institutions can impose punishments according to relevant regulations to achieve a deterrent effect.

(4) Resolving disputes: When disputes arise, judicial institutions can provide arbitration services and resolve them through rulings.

(5) Supervising government power: Judicial institutions can supervise government administrative actions to prevent abuse of power and infringement of citizens' rights.


1. Judiciary is one of the important functions of the state, its role is to uphold social justice.

2. Judicial institutions should exercise the power of adjudication independently in accordance with the law to safeguard citizens' legitimate rights and interests.

3. Everyone is equal before the law, and no one can escape judicial sanctions.

4. As a lawyer, I will do my best to fight for judicial fairness for my clients.

5. Judiciary is not only about punishing illegal behavior, but more importantly, it resolves social conflicts through adjudication.

Word combinations:

(1) Judicial system: A comprehensive system composed of courts at all levels and related judicial institutions.

(2) Judicial process: Refers to a series of rules and steps followed in the process of adjudication.

(3) Judicial reform: Refers to reforms and improvements aimed at addressing problems and deficiencies in the judicial field.

(4) Judicial fairness: Refers to the principle that judicial activities should be conducted fairly, justly, and objectively.

(5) Judicial interpretation: Refers to interpretative documents issued by the Supreme People's Procuratorate or the Supreme People's Court on specific cases regarding the application of laws.

(6) Judicial independence: Refers to the independence of judicial institutions in performing their duties without interference or influence from other government departments.

(7) Judicial power: Refers to the power of a country to adjudicate and rule on violations of laws according to legal provisions.

(8) Judicial protection: Refers to measures and systems that protect citizens' legitimate rights and interests and uphold social justice.

(9) Judicial supervision: Refers to the supervision of judicial activities to prevent abuse of power and infringement of citizens' rights.

(10) Judicial spirit: Refers to the values that should be followed in judicial work, such as fairness, justice, and integrity.

In summary, judiciary plays a crucial role in maintaining social order, protecting citizens' rights, resolving disputes, and supervising government power. It is guided by principles of fairness, independence, and objectivity. Through its functions and operations, it upholds the rule of law and promotes social harmony.


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