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1. 吟唱:指以歌唱或朗诵等方式表达出来。

2. 白话:指通俗易懂、不带文言色彩的语言。

3. 诗歌:一种以语言为媒介,通过韵律和押韵等手法来表达情感、抒发思想的文学形式。

4. 民间:指广大人民群众中流传、发展起来的文化艺术形式。

5. 艺人:指从事艺术创作或表演工作的人。


Yinbai refers to a literary form that is expressed in a reciting manner in vernacular Chinese, or it can also refer to poetry written in vernacular Chinese. It originated from ancient China and was first seen in the Book of Songs, later developing into a unique art form. Yinbai is often used to express emotions, convey thoughts, and transmit information, and it has a strong folk flavor.

Yinbai's Origin and Usage

Yinbai originated from ancient China and was first seen in the Book of Songs, specifically in the poem "Meng." It was further developed and popularized during the Tang and Song dynasties, becoming a unique art form. It is mainly expressed through recitation to convey emotions, express thoughts, and transmit information, and it has been widely spread among the people.

Pronunciation and Reading of Yinbai

The character "吟" is pronounced as "yín" while "白" is pronounced as "bái." In ancient times, yinbai was usually performed by professionals or folk artists with a melodious and charming voice. Nowadays, it can also be seen in literary activities or competitions where people express their emotions and thoughts through yinbai.

Examples of Yinbai Usage

1. He used yinbai to express his love for his country.

2. In this competition, contestants showcased their talents through yinbai.

3. During festivals, villagers gather together to transmit holiday blessings through yinbai.

4. He likes to use yinbai to record the little moments in life and express his inner feelings.

5. This yinbai poem makes people feel the author's praise and awe for nature.

Words Related to Yinbai

1. 吟唱 (yínchàng): singing or reciting with melody.

2. 白话 (báihuà): vernacular language that is easy to understand.

3. 诗歌 (shīgē): a literary form that uses language, rhythm, and rhyme to express emotions and thoughts.

4. 民间 (mínjiān): cultural and artistic forms that are popular among the masses.

5. 艺人 (yìrén): people who engage in artistic creation or performance.

In conclusion, yinbai is a unique literary form that originated from ancient China and is expressed through recitation in vernacular Chinese. It is often used to convey emotions, express thoughts, and transmit information with a strong folk flavor. Its popularity has continued to this day, making it an important part of Chinese literature and culture.


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