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1. 否极泰来英文怎么写(怎么读)?的解释:


2. 否极泰来英文怎么写(怎么读)?读音读法:

fǒu jí tài lái (fǒu jí tài lái) [注:括号内为汉语拼音]

3. 否极泰来英文怎么写(怎么读)?的用例:


Example 1: Despite all the challenges we have faced, I believe that there will be a turnaround.


Example 2: He has experienced many failures, but he always believes in the saying "where there's a will, there's a way".


Example 3: No matter what difficulties we encounter, we must always remember that there will be a silver lining.


Example 4: Even in the darkest moments, we must believe that there will be light at the end of the tunnel.


Example 5: The spirit of "where there's a will, there's a way" motivates us to keep moving forward.

4. 否极泰来英文怎么写(怎么读)?组词:

1. 泰来 (tài lái):转机、好转、顺利

2. 否极 (fǒu jí):最坏的情况、逆境、低谷

3. 否极反转 (fǒu jí fǎn zhuǎn):在最坏的情况下发生逆转,意为事情出现了意想不到的好转。

4. 泰然自若 (tài rán zì ruò):沉着冷静、不慌不忙,形容处变不惊,心态平和。

5. 泰山压顶 (tài shān yā dǐng):比喻压力巨大,形势危急。

6. 否极泰来不屈服 (fǒu jí tài lái bù qū fú):在逆境中不屈服,坚持到底,最终获得胜利。

5. 否极泰来英文怎么写(怎么读)?的中英文对照:

1. 否极泰来:where there's a will, there's a way

2. 泰来:turnaround, improvement, smoothness

3. 否极:worst situation, adversity, low point

4. 否极反转:a turnaround in the worst situation, meaning unexpected improvement in a situation

5. 泰然自若:calm and composed, not flustered, describing someone who remains calm and collected in the face of change or danger.

6. 泰山压顶:metaphor for enormous pressure and critical situation.

7. 否极泰来不屈服:not giving in to adversity, persisting until the end and ultimately achieving victory.



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