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2.同乡会(tóng xiāng huì)的读音为[tʊŋ 'ʃjɑŋ 'hweɪ],其中“tóng”意为“相同”,“xiāng”意为“乡土”,“huì”意为“团体”。





1) 我是第一次参加同乡会活动,感受到了家乡的温暖。

2) 在异地生活,我遇到了很多困难,但是得到了同乡会的帮助。

3) 通过同乡会的合作,我们开了一家小店,在这里感受到了家乡的气息。

4) 同学聚会就像是一场小型的同乡会活动。

5) 同乡会给我带来了很多机会和挑战。


- 同胞:指生活在相同地区或具有相似文化背景的人们。

- 亲情:指血缘关系或者熟悉而亲密的关系。

- 传承:指将某种文化、知识或技能传递给后代。

- 合作:指共同努力,相互协作。

- 活动:指有组织的行为或。

同乡会(tóng xiāng huì)is a group composed of people from the same region or province, aiming to maintain and promote connections and communication among fellow countrymen. It can be a non-profit organization or a social group, with members bonded by shared cultural background, language, customs and hometown sentiments.

The pronunciation of 同乡会 (tóng xiāng huì) is [tʊŋ 'ʃjɑŋ 'hweɪ], with "tóng" meaning "same", "xiāng" meaning "hometown" and "huì" meaning "group".

The functions and significance of 同乡会 (tóng xiāng huì) can be summarized into three aspects. Firstly, it promotes emotional connections among fellow countrymen. With shared geographical background and cultural understanding, there exists a special bond among fellow countrymen. By participating in activities organized by the same hometown association, people can strengthen their connections and share memories and cultural heritage.

Secondly, it provides assistance and support. Those who live in different places may encounter various difficulties and challenges, such as job hunting or solving daily problems. In this case, the same hometown association can play a role in assisting and supporting fellow countrymen by providing information and resources to help them solve problems.

Last but not least, it also contributes to local economic development. With the acceleration of urbanization process, many people leave their hometowns to seek better opportunities in cities. The same hometown association can provide a platform for communication among these people, promoting cooperation and development. At the same time, it can also attract more attention to the development of their hometowns, driving local economic prosperity.


1) It's my first time participating in activities organized by the same hometown association, and I feel the warmth of my hometown.

2) Living in a different place, I encountered many difficulties, but I received help from the same hometown association.

3) Through cooperation within the same hometown association, we opened a small shop and felt the atmosphere of our hometown.

4) A class reunion is like a mini version of activities organized by the same hometown association.

5) The same hometown association has brought me many opportunities and challenges.

Other words:

- 同胞 (tóng bāo): refers to people who live in the same region or share similar cultural backgrounds.

- 亲情 (qīn qíng): refers to blood relations or familiar and intimate relationships.

- 传承 (chuán chéng): refers to passing down culture, knowledge or skills to future generations.

- 合作 (hé zuò): refers to working together and cooperating with each other.

- 活动 (huó dòng): refers to organized actions or events.


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