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君子于役的读音为jūn zǐ yú yì,读作[jwən t͡sɨ y̌ jɨ̀]。



1. 君子于役者,必须以身作则,做到言行一致。

2. 君子于役者,应当谦虚谨慎,不骄不躁。

3. 君子于役者,应当勤勉尽责,不贪图享乐。

4. 君子于役者,应当诚信守约,言出必行。

5. 君子于役者,应当尊重他人,不傲慢自大。


1. 君子风范

2. 君子之道

3. 君子之心

4. 君子之义

5. 君子之仁


君子于役的意思是什么?What does "gentleman in service" mean?

君子于役的读音为jūn zǐ yú yì,读作[jwən t͡sɨ y̌ jɨ̀]。The pronunciation of "gentleman in service" is [jwən t͡sɨ y̌ jɨ̀].

君子于役的意思是指君子在役(工作)中的表现,包括态度、行为和品德等方面。它强调了君子应当在任何岗位上都保持高尚的品德和优秀的表现,不论是在、、经济还是其他领域,都应当以身作则,发挥榜样作用。The meaning of "gentleman in service" refers to the behavior, attitude, and character of a gentleman in his work. It emphasizes that a gentleman should maintain noble character and excellent performance in any position, whether it is in politics, military, economy or other fields, and should set an example.


1. 君子于役者,必须以身作则,做到言行一致。A gentleman in service must lead by example and be consistent in words and deeds.

2. 君子于役者,应当谦虚谨慎,不骄不躁。A gentleman in service should be humble and cautious, not arrogant or impetuous.

3. 君子于役者,应当勤勉尽责,不贪图享乐。A gentleman in service should be diligent and responsible, not seeking pleasure.

4. 君子于役者,应当诚信守约,言出必行。A gentleman in service should be honest and keep his promises, and his words must be followed by actions.

5. 君子于役者,应当尊重他人,不傲慢自大。A gentleman in service should respect others and not be arrogant or conceited.


1. 君子风范 - gentlemanly demeanor

2. 君子之道 - the way of the gentleman

3. 君子之心 - the heart of a gentleman

4. 君子之义 - the righteousness of a gentleman

5. 君子之仁 - the benevolence of a gentleman


1. 君子风范 - gentlemanly demeanor

2. 君子之道 - the way of the gentleman

3. 君子之心 - the heart of a gentleman

4. 君子之义 - the righteousness of a gentleman

5. 君子之仁 - the benevolence of a gentleman



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