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2.变异的读音为“biàn yì”,第一个字读作第一声,第二个字读作第四声。









6.Variation, biologically speaking, refers to the process of change in the nature, state or features of something. This change can be either natural or caused by human intervention. In most cases, variation refers to a different form or state of something from its original state. In the field of biology, variation refers to the changes in an individual's characteristics caused by alterations in its genetic makeup.

The pronunciation of variation is "biàn yì", with the first character pronounced in the first tone and the second character in the fourth tone.

Variation can also be used to describe sudden changes or deviations from normal conditions. For example: "The content of this meeting has varied from previous ones." "His behavior has also started to show some variations."


(1) Due to environmental pollution, these animals have undergone irreversible genetic mutations.

(2) This virus has a high degree of variability and is difficult to resist.

(3) Studies have shown that abnormal climate has had a significant impact on plant growth, resulting in some morphological variations.

(4) Through data analysis, they found that market demand varies significantly with seasons and regions.

(5) The color of this cat's eyes has some variations - one is blue and the other is green.

Word combinations: variability, mutation, variation rate, genetic variation disorder, genetic variation.

In conclusion, variation refers to any kind of change or deviation from an original state or form. It can occur naturally or be caused by external factors. In biology, it specifically refers to changes in an individual's characteristics due to alterations in its genetic makeup. Understanding variations is crucial in many fields such as biology, genetics, and market analysis.


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