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1. 卖场是指专门经营商品销售的场所,也可以称为商场、超市或者百货店。它是零售业的重要组成部分,通过将各种商品集中在一起,方便消费者购买所需的商品。

2. 卖场可以根据经营的商品种类、规模和服务特点进行分类。按照经营规模可以分为大型卖场、中型卖场和小型卖场;按照经营范围可以分为综合卖场、专业卖场和特色卖场;按照服务特点可以分为自助式卖场、服务式卖场和体验式卖场。

3. 例句:






4. 组词:商业中心、购物广场、零售店铺、精品店铺、街边小店。

5. Market,also known as shopping mall, supermarket or department store, refers to a place specialized in selling goods. It is an important part of the retail industry, providing convenience for consumers to purchase various goods by gathering them together.

Markets can be classified according to the scale of operation, types of goods and service features. Based on the scale of operation, they can be divided into large-scale markets, medium-sized markets and small markets; based on the scope of business, they can be divided into comprehensive markets, specialty markets and characteristic markets; based on service features, they can be divided into self-service markets, service-oriented markets and experiential markets.


(1) This large market has a variety of goods. You can find whatever you want.

(2) I like going to that comprehensive market because it has everything I need.

(3) This is a specialty market that specializes in selling sports products.

(4) In this self-service market, customers can choose their own goods and check out.

(5) Experiential markets attract customers by providing immersive shopping experiences.

Word combinations: commercial center, shopping plaza, retail store, boutique shop, street-side store.

6. 总结:卖场是零售业的重要组成部分,它通过集中各种商品,为消费者提供便利的购物场所。根据经营规模、范围和服务特点,卖场可以分为大型、中型和小型市场,综合、专业和特色市场,以及自助式、服务式和体验式市场。不同类型的卖场满足了消费者不同的购物需求,并推动了零售业的发展。


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