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1) 他们两个正在进行激烈的单挑,场面十分精彩。

2) 这场单挑决定了谁将获得冠头衔。

3) 在这次单挑中,他展现出了惊人的耐力和勇气。

4) 他们两个在单挑中交手,最终以平局收场。

5) 这次单挑的结果将决定谁能晋级下一轮比赛。



6.Single combat refers to a one-on-one competition between two individuals, commonly used in sports. This form of competition originated from ancient Chinese martial arts tournaments and has since evolved into a common format in various sports.

The origin of single combat can be traced back to martial arts competitions in ancient China. In the past, martial arts were considered an important combat skill, and competitions were often held to test the skills of warriors. Over time, this format evolved into the well-known single combat.

Single combat usually involves a one-on-one confrontation between two individuals, where their skills and strength are tested to determine the winner. This format first appeared in martial arts and was later introduced into other sports such as boxing, wrestling, fencing, etc.


1) The two of them are engaged in an intense single combat, and the scene is very exciting.

2) This single combat will decide who will win the championship title.

3) In this single combat, he showed amazing endurance and courage.

4) They faced off in a single combat and ended up with a draw.

5) The result of this single combat will determine who will advance to the next round.

Word combinations:

Single combat participant, Single combat tournament, Single combat champion, Single combat techniques, Single combat rules


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