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1. Separately (sɛpərətli)

2. [ˈsɛpərətli]

3. Definition: In a separate or distinct manner; not together or in combination.

4. Examples:

1. They each went their own way, separately.

2. The ingredients should be mixed separately before adding them to the batter.

3. The twins were born two minutes apart, but they were raised separately.

4. The dishes are washed and dried separately to prevent cross-contamination.

5. We will be seated separately at the wedding reception.

5. Combinations: Separately-owned, separately-managed, separately-located, separately-packaged

6. 中文翻译:分开地,单独地,各自地

7. Summary: Separately is an adverb that describes something being done in a separate or distinct manner, without being combined with something else.


1. Distinctly (dɪˈstɪŋktli)

2. [dɪˈstɪŋktli]

3. Definition: In a clear and easily distinguishable manner; not confused or blurred together.

4. Examples:

1. The two species of birds can be distinguished distinctly by their different songs.

2. She spoke distinctly and with confidence during her presentation.

3. His handwriting is very distinct and easy to read.

4. The flavors of the different spices are distinctly noticeable in the dish.

5. He has a distinct advantage over his compes due to his experience.

5 .Combinations: Distinctly-different, distinctly-marked, distinctly-remembered, distinctly-lit

6. 中文翻译:清晰地,明显地,明确地

7. Summary: Distinctly is an adverb that describes something being done in a clear and easily distinguishable manner, without being confused or blurred together.


1. Individually (ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒuəli)

2. [ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒuəli]

3. Definition: One by one; separately; not as a group.

4. Examples:

1. Each student will be graded individually on their project.

2. The items are priced individually, so you can choose which ones you want to buy.

3. The players were interviewed individually after the game.

4. We should treat each person as an individual and not make assumptions based on stereotypes.

5. She was able to solve each math problem individually, but struggled when they were combined together.

5 .Combinations: Individually-tailored, individually-wrapped, individually-owned, individually-packaged

6. 中文翻译:个别地,单独地,各自地

7. Summary: Individually is an adverb that describes something being done one by one or separately, rather than as a group.


1. Separation (sɛpəˈreɪʃən)

2. [sɛpəˈreɪʃən]

3. Definition: The act or process of separating or being separated; a division into distinct parts.

4. Examples:

1. The separation of the eggs is an important step in making this recipe.

2. The separation of church and state is a fundamental principle in our country.

3. The couple decided to have a trial separation before making a final decision about their marriage.

4. The separation between the two buildings allows for more natural light to enter each one.

5. There is a clear separation between the responsibilities of the two departments.

5 .Combinations: Separation-anxiety, separation-agreement, separation-pay, separation-of-powers

6. 中文翻译:分离,分隔,分开

7. Summary: Separation is a noun that describes the act or process of separating or being separated, or a division into distinct parts.


1. Distinction (dɪˈstɪŋkʃən)

2. [dɪˈstɪŋkʃən]

3. Definition: A difference or contrast between similar things; excellence that sets someone or something apart from others.

4. Examples:

1. There is a clear distinction between right and wrong.

2. She received a special award for her distinction in academics.

3. The distinction between the two species can be seen in their physical characteristics.

4. He has achieved great distinction in his career as an actor.

5. This restaurant prides itself on its distinction from other dining experiences in the city.

5 .Combinations: Distinction-without-a-difference, distinction-award, distinction-between-good-and-bad, distinction-in-taste

6. 中文翻译:差别,区别,特色

7. Summary: Distinction is a noun that describes a difference or contrast between similar things, or excellence that sets someone or something apart from others.


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