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出塞 王昌龄的诗是什么?

1.出塞 王昌龄的诗是什么?的解释:


2.出塞 王昌龄的诗是什么?读音读法:

chū sài wáng chāng líng de shī shì shén me?

3.出塞 王昌龄的诗是什么?的用例:






4.出塞 王昌龄的诗是什么?组词:


5.出塞 王昌龄的诗是什么?的中英文对照:

《出塞》 - "Out of the Pass"

边风吹马耳,胡沙入鼻。- The border wind blows in the horse's ears, and the sand from the barbarians fills our noses.

万里长征人未还,但见羊肠断处云。- Thousands of miles on the long march, no one has returned yet; only seeing clouds where the sheep intestines are broken.

战鼓惊天来不绝,响穷归塞草萋萋。- The war drums keep beating without end, echoing through the grasslands as we return to the borders.

胡尘暗沙低戍楼,断肠残虏尚衔枚。- The dust and sand from the barbarians cover our low watchtowers, and we still carry their weapons with broken hearts.

天山雪花大如席,铁马冰河入骨寒。- The snow on Tian Shan Mountain is as big as a mat, and our iron horses cross icy rivers that chill us to our bones.



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