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1. The team's victory has brought the community together and created a sense of cohesion.(球队的胜利让社区团结在一起,并产生了一种凝聚力。)

2. The glue is used to bond the pieces of wood together.(胶水被用来粘合木头碎片。)

3. The cold weather caused the water vapor to condense into tiny droplets on the window.(寒冷的天气使水蒸气在窗户上冷凝成小水滴。)

4. The family's strong bond and love for each other is what keeps them together during difficult times.(家庭之间坚固的纽带和相互之间的爱是他们在困难时期保持团结的力量。)

5. The company's success is a result of the employees' cohesion and dedication to their work.(公司的成功是员工团结一心、对工作的奉献的结果。)


英 [kənˈdʒuː] 美 [kənˈduː]


1. The team captain's leadership skills were crucial in creating cohesion among the team members.(队长的领导能力在团队成员之间建立凝聚力方面起着至关重要的作用。)

2. The chemical reaction caused the molecules to coalesce and form a solid substance.(化学反应使分子凝聚并形成了一个固体物质。)

3. The glue needs time to set and bond the two surfaces together.(胶水需要时间来固定并把两个表面粘合在一起。)

4. The country's diversity is a source of strength and cohesion, rather than division and conflict.(这个的多样性是一种力量和凝聚力,而不是分裂和。)

5. The family reunion was a heartwarming event that brought everyone together in a spirit of unity and cohesion.(家庭团聚是一个令人感动的活动,让每个人都在团结和凝聚的氛围中相聚一堂。)


1. 团结凝聚:unity and cohesion

2. 冷凝:condensation

3. 粘合:adhesion

4. 凝聚力:cohesion

5. 聚集:gather



Cohesion is the process of bringing together dispersed things or people to form a whole.


Cohesion can be used as a verb and a noun.




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