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1. 兴致勃勃造句的意思是指某人或某物的状态或表现非常兴奋、热情和积极,具有强烈的兴趣和动力。

2. [ˈɪntərɛst] [ˈɑːktɪv] [ˈaɪndʒən] [ˈpæsʃən] [ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd] [ˈkʊriəs]

3. 这个词组可以用来描述一个人在做某件事时的状态,比如他们可能感到非常兴奋和热情,因为他们对这件事情很感兴趣,并且有强烈的动力去完成它。:






4. 组词:兴致勃勃可以作为一个形容词短语,也可以拆分成三个单独的词,即兴致、勃勃和造句。它们分别表示兴趣、热情和表达的方式。此外,还可以与其他形容词搭配使用,如兴致勃勃的心情、兴致勃勃的状态等。

5. The meaning of "兴致勃勃" is that someone or something is in a state of being very excited, enthusiastic, and active with strong interest and motivation.

2. [ˈɪntərɛst] [ˈɑːktɪv] [ˈaɪndʒən] [ˈpæsʃən] [ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd] [ˈkʊriəs]

3. This phrase can be used to describe the state of a person when they are doing something, for example, they may feel very excited and enthusiastic because they are interested in it and have a strong motivation to complete it. For example:

Example 1: She is always eager to learn new things and never gets tired.

Example 2: Xiao Ming has always been enthusiastic during his school days because he enjoys learning new things.

Example 3: This movie makes me very excited, I have been looking forward to its release.

Example 4: His teacher is always able to stimulate his interest and make him more active in learning.

Example 5: This project makes me very excited, I hope to achieve more in this field.

4. Compound words: "兴致勃勃" can be used as an adjective phrase, or it can be broken down into three separate words, namely 兴致 (interest), 勃勃 (enthusiasm), and 造句 (expression). They respectively represent interest, enthusiasm, and the way of expression. In addition, it can also be used in combination with other adjectives, such as 兴致勃勃的心情 (enthusiastic mood), 兴致勃勃的状态 (energetic state) and so on.

6. 总结:兴致勃勃这个词组非常常用,它可以用来形容人们在做某件事时的状态,也可以用来形容某件事物本身。它所表达的意思是非常积极、充满热情和动力,具有强烈的兴趣和好奇心。它可以作为一个形容词短语,也可以拆分成三个单独的词来使用。此外,它还可以与其他形容词搭配使用,增强其表达力。无论是在日常生活中还是工作中,我们都希望保持兴致勃勃的状态,这样才能更加积极地面对生活中的挑战。因此,学习和使用这个词组是非常有益的,它可以帮助我们更好地表达自己的情感和状态。


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