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1. 冉冉是指缓慢、轻柔地移动或生长,形容某种动作或事物的状态。:她冉冉地走进了教室,不想打扰正在上课的同学们。

2. 冉冉也可以指某种光线或火焰的燃烧状态,通常是柔和、温暖的。:夕阳下,天空中弥漫着一片冉冉的红光。

3. 在古代汉语中,冉冉还有“渐渐”的意思,表示某种变化或发展过程缓慢而稳定。:他从一个小店老板变成了大企业家,是经过了一段冉冉升级的过程。


rǎn rǎn


1. 她静静地坐在窗前,眼睛注视着窗外那些缓慢而安详的树叶,在微风中轻轻地摇曳着,仿佛在诠释着“冉冉”的含义。

2. 每天傍晚,当太阳开始西下时,天空中总会出现一片冉冉的红光,给人一种宁静而温暖的感觉。

3. 这家公司并非一蹴而就,而是经过了一段冉冉的发展,才成为如今的大企业。

4. 在这个快节奏的社会中,我们更应该学会“冉冉”,慢慢地品味生活中的美好。

5. 随着岁月的流逝,他们之间也慢慢地建立起了一种“冉冉”的情谊。


1. 冉然:形容某种情绪或气氛突然出现,并且很强烈。:他听到这个消息后,心中顿时升起了一股冉然之感。

2. 冉莎:女子名字,在古代多用来指美丽、温柔的女性。:她是一个性格温柔、善良的女孩子,取名为冉莎再合适不过了。

3. 冲天火:指烟花在空中绽放时所发出的华丽光芒。:夜晚,城市上空总是布满了五颜六色、灿烂夺目的冲天火。

4. 满面春风:形容某人脸上充满喜悦、幸福的表情。:看到孩子取得了好成绩,老师满面春风地称赞他。

5. 水波不兴:指水面没有任何波澜,形容非常平静。:湖面上的水波不兴,仿佛一面镜子般平静。


冉冉:rǎn rǎn

1. slowly; gently; softly

2. flickering; gentle and warm

3. gradually; slowly


rǎn rǎn


1. She sat quietly by the window, her eyes fixed on the slow and serene movements of the leaves outside, as if interpreting the meaning of "冉冉".

2. Every evening, as the sun begins to set, a soft and warm light appears in the sky, giving people a sense of peace and warmth.

3. This company did not achieve success overnight, but went through a gradual process of development to become the large enterprise it is today.

4. In this fast-paced society, we should learn to "冉冉", slowly savoring the beauty in life.

5. As time goes by, a "冉冉" friendship gradually formed between them.


1. 冉然 (rǎn rán): suddenly; abruptly

2. 冉莎 (rǎn shā): feminine name used to describe a beautiful and gentle woman

3. 冲天火 (chōng tiān huǒ): fireworks; firecrackers

4. 满面春风 (mǎn miàn chūn fēng): with a happy and contented expression

5. 水波不兴 (shuǐ bō bù xīng): calm and peaceful; without any ripples

冉冉 is a versatile word that can be used to describe slow and gentle movements, soft and warm lights, or gradual processes. It can also be used as a name or in idiomatic expressions to convey different meanings. Its Chinese characters 冉冉 are simple yet elegant, reflecting the essence of the word itself. In summary, 冉冉 is a beautiful word that captures the beauty of slow and steady progress in life.


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