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1. 冬天来了,天气变得越来越寒冷。

2. 寒冬里,人们穿上厚厚的羽绒服保暖。

3. 熊猫会在寒冷的冬季进入长达数月的冬眠状态。

4. 初冬时节,树叶开始变黄,气温也逐渐下降。

5. 冬天的雪景总是让人心情愉悦。


5,冬的偏旁部首是“夂”,冬字可以写作“夂又”或“又夂”。The radical for 冬 is "夂". The character 冬 consists of the radicals "夂" and "又", and can be written as "夂又" or "又夂". In Chinese characters, “夂” is a very common radical and often appears in characters related to walking or movement.

2. The pronunciation for both the radical and character is "dōng". In Pinyin, the pronunciation for "dōng" is different from the fourth tone of "东", so it's important to distinguish between the two.

3. 冬 can be written as "夂又" or "又夂". Examples include: “冬天” (winter), “寒冬” (cold winter), “冬眠” (hibernation), and “初冬” (early winter).


1. 冬天来了,天气变得越来越寒冷。

2. 寒冬里,人们穿上厚厚的羽绒服保暖。

3. 熊猫会在寒冷的冬季进入长达数月的冬眠状态。

4. 初冬时节,树叶开始变黄,气温也逐渐下降。

5. 冬天的雪景总是让人心情愉悦。

4. 冬 can be combined with many other characters to form new words, such as: "冬装" (winter clothes), "冬至" (winter solstice), "冬瓜" (winter melon), and "冬季奥运会" (Winter Olympics).

5. In summary, the radical for 冬 is "夂", and the character is pronounced as "dōng". It can be written as "夂又" or "又夂", and is often used in characters related to winter, coldness, and movement.


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