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1. 农民工街舞团用热情奔放的舞蹈打破了人们对于农民工生活单调乏味的印象。

2. 这个由农民工组成的街舞团在比赛中获得了第一名,为他们赢得了更多关注。

3. 农民工街舞团每天晚上都会聚集在广场上跳舞,吸引了很多路人驻足观看。

4. 他加入农民工街舞团已经有两年了,通过跳舞,他找到了自己的兴趣和梦想。

5. 农民工街舞团的表演受到了观众的热烈欢迎,他们用自己的舞蹈展现了农民工的风貌。


农民工街舞团是由一群农民工组成的街舞团体,它们的出现源于农民工在城市生活中的压力和无奈。Farmer Worker Street Dance Troupe is a street dance group composed of a group of farmers, and its emergence is due to the pressure and helplessness of farmers in urban life.

随着经济的快速发展,农民工成为了城市建设和服务业的主要劳动力。But with the rapid development of China's economy, farmers have become the main labor force in urban construction and service industry.

在繁重的工作压力下,他们需要一种方式来放松自己。于是农民工街舞团就应运而生。Under the heavy work pressure, they need a way to relax themselves. So Farmer Worker Street Dance Troupe came into being.

农民工街舞团起源于上世纪90年代末期,这是一个充满活力的时期。In the late 1990s, Farmer Worker Street Dance Troupe originated in a vibrant period.

在当时的社会,街舞文化开始兴起。At that time, street dance culture began to rise in China.

年轻人通过街舞来表达自己的个性和态度。Young people express their personalities and attitudes through street dance.

这种文化也逐渐吸引了一些农民工。This culture gradually attracted some farmers.

他们利用业余时间学习跳舞,并组建起自己的街舞团体。They use their spare time to learn to dance and form their own street dance groups.

最初,这些团体主要是在周末或节假日聚集在公园、广场等地方表演,吸引了很多观众。At first, these groups mainly gathered in parks, squares and other places on weekends or holidays to perform, attracting many audiences.

随着时间推移,农民工街舞团逐渐发展壮大,并开始参加各种比赛和演出。As time went by, Farmer Worker Street Dance Troupe gradually grew and began to participate in various competitions and performances.

他们不仅仅是简单地跳舞,更是将自己的生活经历和情感融入到舞蹈中,使表演更具有感染力。They are not just dancing, but also incorporating their life experiences and emotions into the dance, making the performance more inspiring.

他们的舞蹈风格也不再局限于传统的街舞,还加入了传统文化元素,展现了农民工对于传统文化的热爱和包容。Their dance style is no longer limited to traditional street dance, but also incorporates elements of Chinese traditional culture, showing the love and tolerance of farmers for traditional culture.

农民工街舞团的发展也受到了社会各界的关注和支持。The development of Farmer Worker Street Dance Troupe has also attracted attention and support from all walks of society.

一些公益组织和个人开始为他们提供场地、服装等支持,使得他们能够更加专注地学习和表演。Some public welfare organizations and individuals have begun to provide them with venues, costumes and other support, so that they can focus more on learning and performing.

同时,一些部门也开始重视农民工街舞团所带来的积极影响,通过举办比赛、组织培训等方式来推广这种文化形式。At the same time, some government departments have also begun to pay attention to the positive impact of Farmer Worker Street Dance Troupe and promote this cultural form through competitions, training and other methods.

农民工街舞团不仅仅是一种娱乐形式,它还具有深刻的社会意义。Farmer Worker Street Dance Troupe is not just a form of entertainment, it also has profound social significance.

首先,它为农民工提供了一个发泄压力、放松心情的途径,帮助他们缓解生活中的压力。Firstly, it provides farmers with a way to release pressure and relax, helping them to relieve the stress of life.

其次,它也为农民工提供了一个展示自我、获得认可的。Secondly, it also provides farmers with a platform to showcase themselves and gain recognition.

在表演中,他们可以展现自己独特的个性和才华,得到观众的认可和赞赏,从而增强自信心。In the performance, they can show their unique personality and talent, gain recognition and praise from the audience, thus enhancing self-confidence.


农民工街舞团不仅仅是一个简单的舞蹈团体,它更是一个着一种和文化的群体。Farmer Worker Street Dance Troupe is not just a simple dance group, it is also a group that represents a spirit


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