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1. 建立良好的形象


2. 增强竞争优势


3. 提高信任度


4. 保障持久发展


5. 增强社会责任感



公信力的读音读法为[gōng xìn lì]。


1. 她在商界拥有很高的公信力,每次推出的产品都备受消费者欢迎。

2. 这家企业一直坚持诚信经营,赢得了广泛的公信力。

3. 他作为人物,必须具备较高的公信力才能赢得选民支持。

4. 作为一名医生,他不仅要有专业知识,还要具备良好的公信力来赢得病人的信任。

5. 这个组织一直致力于慈善事业,并以其高度的公信力获得了社会各界的认可和支持。


Public credibility refers to the level of trust and respect that an individual, organization, or institution has in society. It is based on past actions and statements, reflecting one's integrity and reliability. Individuals or organizations with high public credibility often gain recognition and support from various sectors of society, thereby enhancing their influence and competitiveness.

The importance of public credibility can be seen in the following aspects:

1. Building a good image

Public credibility is the foundation for individuals or organizations to establish a good image. When an individual or organization has high public credibility, their promises and actions are often recognized and supported by more people. This not only helps to establish a good image, but also enhances their influence in society.

2. Enhancing competitive advantage

In a highly competitive market environment, public credibility can be a key factor for individuals or organizations to stand out and gain market share. Enterprises with high public credibility often attract more consumers to choose their products or services, thereby enhancing their competitive advantage.

3. Increasing trust

Public credibility can help individuals or organizations gain the trust of others. In business cooperation, both parties often consider each other's public credibility. If an enterprise has high public credibility, its partners will be more confident in cooperating with them, thus promoting the sound development of their relationship.

4. Ensuring sustainable development

Public credibility is the cornerstone for individuals or organizations to achieve sustainable development. In business activities, a good public credibility can help enterprises establish a stable customer base and maintain long-term cooperative relationships. At the same time, in personal life, having high public credibility can help individuals build a good social network and gain more opportunities and resources.

5. Enhancing social responsibility

Individuals or organizations with high public credibility often pay more attention to their role and responsibility in society. They actively fulfill social responsibilities, promote social progress and development, and contribute to society.

Public credibility is an extremely important quality for individuals or organizations in modern society. It is not only a key factor for personal or organizational success, but also an important guarantee for social harmony and development.

The pronunciation of public credibility is [gōng xìn lì].

Examples of public credibility:

1. She has high public credibility in the business world, and her products are always popular with consumers.

2. This company has always adhered to honest operation and won widespread public credibility.

3. As a politician, he must have high public credibility to win the support of voters.

4. As a doctor, he not only needs professional knowledge, but also needs good public credibility to gain the trust of patients.

5. This organization has been dedicated to charity and has gained recognition and support from all walks of society with its high public credibility.

Related vocabulary for public credibility: honesty, integrity, reliability, reputation, word of mouth.



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