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期末复习 | 九年级英语(全册)期末复习:重点单词词性转换+专练

【九年级英语关键词词性转换】 1. Chemistry n Chemistry____________adj. 化学;与化学有关

2. 说v。发音_____n。发音;发音

期末复习 | 九年级英语(全册)期末复习:重点单词词性转换+专练

3.表达V。表达;表达 ____________n。表达;表达;表达

4. 发现v.发现________n。发现;发现

5.创建v。 create; create__________(过去式/过去分词)____________adj. 创造性的,创造性的

6. 偷窃v.偷;偷 ____________(过去式) ____________(过去分词)

7. Ray v. put;put;产下一个鸡蛋;产下一个鸡蛋_________(过去式/过去分词)

8. lie v. 存在;存在;谎言 ____________(过去时) ____________(过去分词)

9. 惩罚v. 惩罚、打屁股______n。惩罚;处罚

10. center n. 中心 _____ 形容词中心;中心

11. Humor N. Humor ____________adj. 有幽默感,很有趣。

12. 提案v. 提案;提案 ____________n。建议;提案

13. v 为必填项。请求 ____________n。你需要什么(或想要什么)

14. failure v. 失败;失败;失败____________n。失败

介绍15.v。简介 ____________n。介绍

16. 礼貌adj. 礼貌的; 有礼貌的 ____________ adv. 礼貌的; 礼貌的 ____________ adj. 粗鲁的; 不礼貌的

17.silence adj. 沉默;沉默____________n。沉默;沉默

18. 缺席adj. 缺席;缺席____________n.缺席、缺乏、缺席

19. 完全adj. 完全____________ adv. 完全,完全

20. 筷子n. 筷子 ____________ (复数)

21. glass n. 眼镜 ____________(复数)

22. 叶叶;叶____________(pl.)

23. nation n. 国家;国家____________adj. 国内;国内____________adj. 国际

24.Custom n.海关;海关____________n。顾客;顾客

25. 英雄英雄;英雄____________(pl.)

26. 生产v. 生产;制造 ____________n。产品;产品

27. 活诉。活着的;活着的;活着的____________adj. 生动的;(颜色)明亮的

28. 翻译v.翻译 ____________n。翻译 ____________n。译者;译者

29. 突然adj. 突然 _________adv. 突然

30. 诗歌n. 诗歌 ____________n。诗人

31. 价值价值;重要性 ____________adj. 有价值的;非常有用的;有价值的

32.Wolf N. Wolf ____________(复数)

33. energy n. 能量 ____________adj. 活泼的,充满活力的

34. Regret v. Regret;我感到抱歉_______(过去式/过去分词)

35. 教育v. 教育背景 ____________n。 education ____________adj. 教育的,教育的

选择36.v。请选择 ____________n。请选择 选择 ____________(过去时) ____________(过去分词)

37. electric n. 电力;电流 ____________adj. 电子;电子设备

38. direct v. 指挥;导演____________n。主任;部门主管

39. Stick V. 粘贴;插入.____________(过去式/过去分词)

40. 关闭关闭;关闭____________(过去式/过去分词)____________(现在分词)

41. pain n. 疼痛____________adj. 痛苦的;痛苦的

42. 总数adj. 总数,总计;总计____________adv. 完全;完全;完全

43. 第五号法案表现、行为___n。行动

44. 银行银行 ____________n。掩体

45. 财富n. 财富______ 形容词丰富的;富有的

46. N办公室办公室____________ n. 官员;官员____________adj. 官方的;正式的

47. Ring v.(铃、铃等)响;响_______(过去时)_______(过去分词)

48. burn vs. 着火;burn ____(过去式/过去分词)

49.相信V。相信;认为____________ n. 相信;信念 ____________adj. 可信的;可靠的

50. Advantage n.有利的条件,有利的条件 ____________ (反义词) 不利的条件,不利的条件

51. 造成伤害 ____________adj. 有害 ____________adj. 无害;无恶意

52. 法律n. 法律 ____________n。律师

53. 渴n. 口渴;口渴_______ 形容词。热情;口渴54. 指示v. 指导;命令_______n。步骤;【参考答案】

1. 化学品2. 发音

3. 表达4. 发现

5. 创造的;创造性的

6. 偷;偷7. 离开

8. 躺下;躺下9. 惩罚

10. 中央11. 幽默

12. 建议13. 要求

14. 失败15. 简介

16. 礼貌;粗鲁17. 沉默

18. 缺席19. 正是


22. 叶子23. 国内;国际


26. 制作27. 热闹

28. 翻译;翻译者


31. 珍贵32. 狼

33. 快乐34. 悲伤

35. 教育;教育

36. 选择;选择;选择

37. 电子38. 导演

39. 堆栈40. 关闭;关闭



45. 富人46. 官员;

47. rang; rang 48. 烧毁/烧毁

49. 信念;可信50. 缺点


1. 在很短的时间内解决问题对我来说是_______。 (大概)

2. 他说得越多,我们就越觉得____________。 (愤怒)

3. 中国长城的____________照片看起来非常漂亮。 (拍照)

4. 我们都知道____________是第一位的(健康)。

5. 过了一会儿,一只小狗来到____________。

6. 您的父母是在哪一年结婚的?


8. 他的朋友_____________ 使用了水肺潜水器并使其正常工作。 (发明)

9. 男孩们在上半场第____________ 分钟得分(26)。

10. 小心____________(不要与坏人交朋友)。

11. 他是会议上第二个_____________,我是第一个。 (讲话)

12. 她的_______________看起来不错,但很难尝试。 (决定)

13. ____________关于真人的故事非常感人(基础)

14. 经过口对口呼吸后,SARS 患者返回__________。

15.镇上有很多_______。最好不要进去。 (雾蒙蒙的)

16. ________,他错过了末班车。 (我很幸运)

17. 你吃得越多,你就会越好(健康)

18. 2 地球的__________ 被水覆盖(3)

19. 据说他有一台机器_________(确认)

20. 孩子们很高兴看到他们种植的植物的________。 (外貌)

21. 当时,没有机器可以让人们长时间呆在水下(许可证)。

22. 我们的老师对计算机很了解。

23. 由于____________,男孩输给了女孩。 (惊喜)

24. 当我们到达车站时,火车5 分钟后___________了。 (是)


26. 据说他的父亲是最伟大的记者之一______。(现场)

27. 肉____________ 美味。 (糟糕的)

28. 图书馆书籍_________必须在截止日期前归还。 (借)

29. 你和_______之间有很多不同之处。 (我)

30. 孩子们对__________ 电脑游戏(玩)感兴趣。

31.他的作业是怎么做的!我简直听不懂。 (关心)

32. 这些人从自行车上摔下来并_______到地上。 (说谎)



35. 身高1.2 米以下的儿童不得进入____________。 (高的)

36. 他妈妈把苹果切成两半。(半)

37. 小汤姆在回家的路上_____________他的左腿。 (休息)


39. ____________(自行车)的另一个词是什么?

40. 我认为这门语言不值得__________。 (请学习)

41. 科学家们在这个博物馆展出了__________ 恐龙化石。 (发现)

42. 爱迪生是世界上最伟大的__________之一。 (发明)

43. 在________国家,最重要的节日是圣诞节。 (西边)

44. __________ 他说,你必须清楚地听他说。 (什么)



47. 中国和印度是____________(轻微)发达国家。


49. 您可以在此输入您的________信息(个人)吗?

50. 我不能把这样一个老人(他)留在家里。

51. 做完他们的事情后,他们匆匆赶往天安门广场。 (降低)

52. 当我年轻的时候,有人告诉我一年后我会在那里____________。 (是)

53. 仍然是_______________(知道)谁打破了窗户。

54. 护士给我打的注射一点也不___________(痛苦)。

55. 谢谢___举办聚会(邀请)

56. 当他们到达机场时,飞机提前5 分钟起飞。

57. 小李的狗患_______(死亡)已经快两个月了。

58. 我从_______开始就在一家超市工作。 (打开)

59. 在这么短的时间内完成工作对我来说是________。请再给我一点时间。 (可能的)

60. 当我们到达那里时,篮球比赛已经进行了________10 分钟。 (是)

61. 到上个月底,王平已经记住了1000多个英语单词。 (学习)


63. 医生告诉我每天要服用__________ (2) 种药物。

64.那个女孩太__________了,无法赢得比赛。 (信心)

65. 他们叫醒其他家庭成员并说____________“圣诞快乐”(电话)。

66. 我更喜欢读书(坐着),而不是懒洋洋地闲逛。

67. 在美国,你只需花费300 美元就可以购买一辆__________ 汽车。 (使用)

68. 我宁愿步行也不愿乘公共汽车____________。 (去)

69. 当美代子点击屏幕时,出现一个用于输入____________信息的表格。

70. 你认为他是____________。 (错误)

71. 我们在广场中央拍了一张__________照片。

72. 没有车_________(停止)

73. 他的演讲让我们非常感动。 (激动)

74. 他没有因为她的好意而得到任何_____________。 (报酬)

75. 他____________了他的病。 (康复)

76. 他们的鸡今天会下_____________ 2 个蛋。 (生)

77. 李雷有几本关于_____________的书。 (化学家)

78. 警察帮助母亲_______找到了男孩。 (输)

79. 如果下周日_________(下雨),就没有足球比赛80. 北京人对世界是真诚的_________(朋友)

81. 在我们学校的所有老师中,李先生说_________最多。 (一点点)

82. 未找到笔。我想我可能会_____(失去)它。


84. 我们都是________(自豪的)胜利者。

85. 婴儿__________ 哭了(噪音)。

86. 我们不能与_____ 空气和水一起生活。

87. 陈小姐要求我们组成一个小组____________(讨论)。

88. 瓶子里装的是牛奶,是____________。 (请填写)


90. 圣诞老人不是一个___________的人。对于您的家人来说,圣诞老人是您父亲的____________。 (真的)

91. 孩子们在操场上玩游戏并唱_______________有趣的歌曲。 (唱歌)

92. 他无法____________(知道)他的英语考试的结果。

93. 我们没有足够的时间去参观中国的长城。

94. 他们走进教室,________(唱)和________(跳)。

95. 计算机现在在世界各地广泛使用。

96. 请把苹果切成_______(半个)。

97. 火车上有很多外国人_____________(旅客)。

98. 香蕉____________(生长)在中国南方。

99. 他告诉我们,我们有一份工作叫____________。 (结尾)


101. What’s another way of saying ____________ (phone) 102. Have you grown flowers or planted trees in or near _________ (neighbour) 103. He had visited many countries in his _________ . (thirty) 104. The 3 scientists tried to explain the __________ (appear) of dinosaurs. 105. A girl ________ (call) Kate won the first prize in the competition. 106. It seemed that Miss Liu was very _________ (pleasant) with. 107. I don’t think the book is worth ___________. (buy) 108. Has your girl friend __________ (water-ski) with you 109. Which country has weather the most like __________ (German) 110. It is said that he is a good _________ manger in New York. (sell) 111. His _____ speech made us _____ a lot. (excite) 112. There are the words “Made in China” __________ on the back of the machine. (write) 113. Half of the money __________ (use) to buy a car. 114. Many kinds of books _________ (send) to the country school last week 115. Thank you for ________ (tell) me about it. 116. Listen! Jim’s radio __________ (make) a loud noise. 117. Writing brushes are used much_______(wide) in the old days in China. 118. The shelf is used for _____ (store) books. 119. I’d like to buy a _______(wool) sweater. 120. Three ________ of the newspapers are written in English. (quarter) 121. This year my father is _______ (health)than last year. 122. I bought _________ (many) than 20 story books. 123. The Young Pioneers often go _________ (boat) in Green Lake park. 124. The boy ____________(tell) _______ (not play) with fire. 125. Tom, Somebody __________(wait) for you at the gate, go and see. 126. The babies should ______ (take) care of. 127. Nearly all the ________ (panda) in the world live in China. 128. The famous article “My Hometown” ________ (write) by Lu Xun. 129. __________, I found my lost pen. (lucky) 130. In the night we can see several _________ (million) stars in the sky. 131. We shouldn’t touch the things on _________. (show) 132. This school __________ (found) in 1950. 133. He stopped his son ________ (play) computer games.134. You can borrow money from me ____________. (direct) 135. China has built a Great Green Wall ____ (cross) the northern part of the country. 136. Two of the players ________ (fall) as they tried __________(meet) the ball. 137. At 7 last night all the lights _____(turn off) and the film _______. (begin) 138. Nearly everybody here ________ (know) when the old museum __________ (build) 139. The 29th Olympic Games will be _____ (hold) in Beijing in 2008. 140. Some boys were talking and laughing _________ (noise) when the teacher came in. 141. March 12th is Tree ______ Day. (plant) 142. The more we get together, the _______ (happy) we’ll be. 143. Look! The boy _________ (tie) the tree to the top of the stick. 144. The ________ (die) leaves fall on the ground in autumn. 145. ___ (thank) to your help, I won the prize. 146. No man has traveled ________ (far) than the moon so far. 147. Do you know _________ (who) son he is 148. Please keep your eyes _______ (close). 149. My father told me an ___ story. (usual) 150. Michael Jordan is my favourite basketball ________. (play) 151. My wish is ________ (go) to college when I _________ (graduate) from high school. 152. _______ (say) in one thing and ________ (do) is quite another. 153. Does Mr. Smith like us _________ (speak) to him in Chinese 154. Can rice __________ (grow) in winter 155. Dr Bethune __________ (know) all over the world. 156.3 __________ (multiply) by 2 is 6. 157. The world’s population is growing faster and faster, we must do __________(some) to show down its increasing. 158. Lily writes the most _________ (care) in our class. 159. They never knew what _________ (happen) in a hundred years. 160. The Rolls Roycle is ________ (expensive) car in the world. 161. My brother prefers _________ (swim) to playing football. 162. I wasn’t sure if I _________ (be) able to buy a car in two years. 163. You can’t get in the bus, there is no space for you ________ (stand) in. 164. Mike is busy _________ (download) the information on the Internet. 165. Our teacher told us that there ________ (be) a talk on the world’s population tomorrow afternoon. 166. A newspaper _________(report) will come to visit the old man. 167. The girl is glad, she has bought a Canon camera ___________ (successful) 168. She seems _________ (buy) a digital camera soon. 169. Before I came in, he _______(search) the Internet for half an hour. 170. I’m sorry we haven’t got this kind of cameras. They _______ (sell) out last week. 171. How much _____ the computer _______ (cost) 172. We must try our best _________ (stop) the world’s population from increasing. 173. The parents spent a whole day ________(look) for their child, but they failed. They reported the __________ (appear) of their child to the police. 174. The ________ (use) camera I bought from Jack is far cheaper than a new one, but it’s very _________(use) 175. We were _________ (amaze) at Jone’s quick __________ (decide) 176. My lovely dog can help me _________ (feel) less lonely. 177. How happy Mr Wang was when he saw his sick cat _________(become) well again. 178. His dog, Dan often followed him when he went to the farm ____ (heal) sick animal. 179. I loved dogs ________ (well) of all the kinds of animals. 180. Only two of them were hurt in the earthquake. They _________(take) to the hospital at once. 181. A policeman rushed into the burning house ________ (get) the boy. 182. Both of his feet were hurt in the accident. A doctor must _______ (send) for. 183. Last Saturday, we climbed Mount Tai ________ (watch) the sunrise. 184. A dog or a cat __________ (keep) by people for fun. 185. ___________ (ride) fast is very dangerous. 186. If I ___________ free next Sunday, I will go to the farm with you. (be) 187. Listen! Mary _________ in the next room. (sing) 188. Hi! Tom. Can you tell me when _________ for London tomorrow (leave) 189. Could you tell me when the inspector ___________ back from Paris today (come) 190. He ___________ a letter all yesterday morning. (write) 191. Yesterday he told me there ________ four seasons in a year. (be) 192. I wish he _________ what I said. (catch) 193. They like to watch TV very much now. But they __________ to play basketball a lot. (use) 194. Thomas Edison _________ a chemistry lab for himself by the time he was ten years old. (build) 195. __________ the thief _________ by your father (catch) 196. Many clothes today can __________ with the washing machine. (clean) 197. I think working long hours _______ hard for children. (be) 198. English _________ more and more important since China joined WTO. (be) 199. What a good _________ Jim is! (cook)200. Miss King enjoyed ___________ in the party last Sunday. (she) 【参考答案】 1.impossible 2.angrier 3.taken 4.health 5.itself 6.married 7.noisily 8.inventing 9.twenty-sixth 10.not to make 11.speaker 12.decision 13.based 14themselves 5.fog 16.Unluckily 17.more healthily 18.thirds 19.checked 20.appearance 21.allowing 22.knowledge 23.surprising 24.had been 25.wherever 26.alive 27.terribly 28.borrowed 29.me 30.playing 31.carelessly 32.lay 33.anyone else’s 34.to be cleaned 35.height. 36.halves 37.broken 38.themselves 39.bicycle 40.studying 41.discovered 42.inventors 43.western 44.whatever 45.interested 46.hung 47.less 48.was founded 49.personal 50.himself 51.dropping 52.are 53.unknown 54.painful 55.inviting 56.had taken off 57.been dead 58.opened 59.impossible 60.had been 61.had learned 62.children’s 63.twice 64.confident 65.called 66.sit 67.used 68.going 69.personal 70.mistaken 71.taken 72.stop 73.exciting 74rewarding 75.has been healed 76.laid 77.chemistry 78.lost 79.rains 80.friends 81.least 82.have lost 83.missing 84.proud 85.noisily 86.without 87.discussion 88.filled 89.asleep 90.real really 91.singing 92.to know 93.to visit 94.singing,jumping 95.widely 96.halves 97.travelers 98.are grown 99.finished 100.buy 101.telephone 102.neighbourhood 103.thirties 104.disappearance 105.called 106.pleased 107.buying 108.water-skied 109.Germany’s 110.sales 111.exciting,excited 112.written 113.be used 114.were sent 115.telling 116.is making 117.more widely 118.storing 119.woolen 120.quarters 121.healthier 122.more 123.boating 124.was told ,not to play 125.is waiting 126.be taken 127.panadas 128.was written 129.luckily 130.millions 131 show 132.was founded 133.playing 134.directly 135.across 136.fell, to meet 137was turned off, began 138.knows, was built 139.held 140.noisily 141.Planting 142 happier 143.is tying 144.dead 145.thanks 146.farther 147.whose 148.closed 149.unusual 150.player. 151.to go, graduate 152.to say ,to do 153.to speak 154.be grown 155.is known 156.multiplied 157.something 158.carefully 159.would happen 160.the most expensive 161.swimming 162.would be 163.to stand 164.downloading 165.would be 166.reporter 167.successfully 168.to buy 169.had searched 170.were sold 171.does,cost 172.to stop, increasing 173.looking disappearance 174.used, useful 175.amazed,decision 176.(to)feel 177.become 178.to heal 179.best 180.were taken 181.to get 182.be sent 183.to watch 184.is kept 185.Riding 186.am 187.is singing 188.to leave 189.will come 190.was writing 191.are 192.has caught 193.used 194.had built 195.was caught 196.be cleaned 197.is 198.has been 199.cook 200.herself


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