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pian1 guan1









1. 偏关防御:指利用偏关来进行防御。

2. 偏关战术:指利用偏关来进行作战的战术。

3. 偏关设施:指用于设置偏关的各种设施。

4. 偏关布置:指对偏关进行布置和安排。

5. 偏关:指负责设置和保卫偏关的。


Pian Guan means a military tactic used in ancient times, which refers to setting up defensive points on the enemy's flanks or rear to impede their advance. The main purpose of Pian Guan is to protect one's own army from attacks on the flanks or rear by the enemy, while also being able to launch counterattacks from these defensive points.

Pian Guan can be used in various types of warfare, including both ancient and modern times. In ancient times, due to the relatively simple weapons and tactics, Pian Guan was usually achieved through setting traps or digging trenches. In modern warfare, with the development of technology, Pian Guan has become more complex and diverse, using high-tech means such as drones and radar.

Example sentence 1: In this war, we must set up Pian Guan to protect our army.

Example sentence 2: They successfully sped the enemy's attack by using well-designed Pian Guan.

Example sentence 3: Due to the lack of sufficient troops, they could only resist the enemy by setting up Pian Guan.

Example sentence 4: In this operation, the role of Pian Guan was very obvious, as it bought us valuable time.

Example sentence 5: If we can set up Pian Guan, we may be able to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy when they attack.


1. 偏关防御:refers to using Pian Guan for defense.

2. 偏关战术:refers to military tactics that use Pian Guan for combat.

3. 偏关设施:refers to various facilities used for setting up Pian Guan.

4. 偏关布置:refers to arranging and organizing Pian Guan.

5. 偏关:refers to the army responsible for setting up and defending Pian Guan.



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