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- 选择合适的岩石:应该选择形状奇特、质地坚硬、色彩丰富的岩石,并且要注意岩石之间的比例和层次感。

- 选择合适的植物:应该选择具有浓厚自然气息、易于生长和养护的植物,如松树、竹子、蕨类等。

- 布局设计:根据实际场地情况和个人喜好,进行布局设计,要注意造型、比例和层次感。

- 固定和装饰:使用专业工具固定岩石,并且可以添加一些小型雕塑或人工水池来增加景观的趣味性。


1. 这座公园里的假山,仿佛是一幅精美的画卷,吸引着游客驻足观赏。

2. 他花了一个月的时间,才完成了自家后院的假山制作,让邻居们都惊叹不已。

3. 这座大型假山是由专业团队精心打造的,每一块岩石都经过精心挑选和雕琢。

4. 在这个城市里,最著名的景点就是那座巨大的假山,每天都吸引着大量游客前来参观。

5. 假山制作需要耐心和细心,只有把每一块岩石摆放到最合适的位置,才能营造出自然而又美妙的景观。


- 岩石:奇形怪状、质地坚硬、色彩丰富

- 植物:浓厚自然气息、易于生长、养护

- 布局:设计、比例、层次感

- 固定:专业工具、小型雕塑、人工水池

5.假山(Rockery)is a decorative artificial landscape, usually composed of rocks, plants and water bodies, used to simulate natural landscapes. It can be used to beautify the environment or express people's longing and awe for nature.

How to make a rockery? Here are some tips:

- Choose suitable rocks: Select rocks with unique shapes, hard texture and rich colors, and pay attention to the proportion and hierarchy between rocks.

- Choose suitable plants: Choose plants with strong natural atmosphere, easy to grow and maintain, such as pine trees, bamboo, ferns, etc.

- Layout design: According to the actual site conditions and personal preferences, design the layout of the rockery, pay attention to the shape, proportion and hierarchy.

- Fixing and decoration: Use professional tools to fix the rocks, and you can also add some small sculptures or artificial water pools to increase the interest of the landscape.

Example sentences:

1. The rockery in this park is like a beautiful painting, attracting tourists to s and admire.

2. It took him a month to complete the rockery in his backyard, which amazed his neighbors.

3. This large rockery was carefully built by a professional team. Each piece of rock was carefully selected and sculpted.

4. In this city, the most famous attraction is that huge rockery, which attracts a large number of tourists every day.

5. Making a rockery requires patience and meticulousness. Only by placing each rock in the most suitable position can we create a natural and wonderful landscape.

Word combinations:

- Rocks: peculiar shapes, hard texture, rich colors

- Plants: strong natural atmosphere, easy to grow and maintain

- Layout: design, proportion, hierarchy

- Fixing: professional tools, small sculptures, artificial water pools



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