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2.焚风的读音为fén fēng,读作“fuhn fuhng”。



1. 据报道,近日发生在加利福尼亚州的森林火灾是由强大的焚风所引起。

2. 在沙漠地区,由于干旱和高温天气,经常会出现危险的焚风现象。

3. 当地已经采取措施防止因强风引发的焚风进一步蔓延。

4. 焚风过后,许多人家被毁,灾民们急需救援和帮助。

5. 为了防止火灾,当地居民被要求不要在焚风天气烧烤或者吸烟。

4. 焚风的特征是其强大的风力和迅速蔓延的火焰。它通常伴随着干旱、高温和低湿度的天气,这些因素会导致火势更加凶猛。同时,由于焚风往往发生在山区或森林地带,地形复杂也会增加灭火难度。

5. 组词:焚风天气、防范焚风、抗击焚风、焚风灾害、森林焚风

6. What is Fēnfēng? Definition and Features of Fēnfēng

Fēnfēng is a natural phenomenon that refers to the burning flames in the wind. It usually occurs in dry and hot weather, where strong winds can cause flames to spread rapidly, creating a large area of fire.

The pronunciation of Fēnfēng is fén fēng, pronounced as "fuhn fuhng".

Fēnfēng is a dangerous natural disaster that can cause severe loss of life and property. For example, a forest fire caused by Fēnfēng can destroy large areas of forests, injure or even kill animals; while in urban areas, it can lead to building fires, broken power lines, and other accidents.


1. According to reports, the recent forest fires in California were caused by strong Fēnfēng.

2. In desert areas, dangerous Fēnfēng often occurs due to drought and high temperatures.

3. Local governments have taken measures to prevent Fēnfēng from spreading further due to strong winds.

4. After the Fēnfēng, many houses were destroyed and the victims urgently need rescue and assistance.

5. In order to prevent fires, residents are advised not to barbecue or smoke during Fēnfēng weather.

The characteristics of Fēnfēng are its powerful winds and rapidly spreading flames. It often occurs with dry, hot weather and low humidity, which can make the fire more fierce. Moreover, as Fēnfēng usually occurs in mountainous or forested areas, the complex terrain can also make it difficult to put out the fire.

Word combinations: Fēnfeng weather, preventing Fēnfeng, fighting against Fēnfeng, Fēnfeng disaster, forest Fēnfeng.

In summary, Fēnfeng is a natural phenomenon that can cause devastating consequences. Its defining features are its strong winds and rapid spread of flames. As a dangerous disaster, it is important for people to take precautions and be prepared in case of a Fēnfeng occurrence.


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