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2.庚日的读音为"gēng rì",其中"gēng"为天干中的第七位,"rì"为地支中的第十二位。



1. 今天是庚日,我准备去祭祖扫墓。

2. 庚日到了,该给家里种点菜了。

3. 庚日阳光明媚,正是出游的好时节。

4. 庚日之后,万物开始生长茂盛。

5. 庚日之前,我们要做好充足的准备工作。



5. What is Geng Ri?

Geng Ri refers to the seventh day in the lunar calendar, which ranks seventh in the ten heavenly stems and twelfth in the twelve earthly branches. It represents the period when yang energy is gradually strengthening and all things are growing.

Geng Ri is pronounced as "gēng rì", with "gēng" being the seventh heavenly stem and "rì" being the twelfth earthly branch.

Geng Ri is an important solar term in traditional Chinese culture, carrying deep significance. On this day, people will worship their ancestors, visit graves, plant trees, and engage in other activities. It is also an important time for agricultural activities such as sowing and farming.

Example sentences:

1. Today is Geng Ri, I am going to worship my ancestors and visit their graves.

2. Geng Ri has arrived, it's time to plant some vegetables at home.

3. The sun is shining on Geng Ri, it's a good time for a trip.

4. After Geng Ri, all things start to grow vigorously.

5. Before Geng Ri, we need to make sufficient preparations.



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