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2.预算的读音为/yù suàn/,是一个两个音节的汉语词汇。其中,“预”字读作/yù/,意为提前、事先;“算”字读作/suàn/,意为计算、估算。








- 预算编制:指根据企业发展目标和经营计划,制定具体可行的资金收支计划。

- 预算执行:指按照预先制定的预算计划,实际执行资金收支,达到预算目标。

- 预算:指对预算执行过程进行监督和,确保资金使用符合预算计划。

- 预算调整:指根据实际情况对原定的预算计划进行修订或调整。

- 预算管理:指对企业各项预算活动进行统一协调和管理。

5.什么是预算的定义?What is the definition of budget?

1. The definition of budget refers to the process of detailed planning and control of funds in a certain period based on the development goals and business plans of a company. It is an important financial tool in business management, which can help companies allocate funds rationally, achieve business objectives, and monitor and evaluate their operations.

2. The pronunciation of budget is /ˈbʌdʒɪt/, which is a two-syllable Chinese word. The first syllable "budge" is pronounced as /ˈbʌdʒ/, meaning in advance or beforehand; the second syllable "et" is pronounced as /ɪt/, meaning calculation or estimation.

3. Examples of budget:

Sentence 1: Making a budget can help companies allocate funds properly.

Sentence 2: At the beginning of each year, the company will make a budget plan for the new year.

Sentence 3: Budget management can help companies reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Sentence 4: Strictly following the budget can prevent companies from facing financial shortages.

Sentence 5: The finance department is responsible for preparing and supervising all budgets of the company.

4. Related words:

- Budget preparation: refers to the process of developing a feasible plan for funds based on the company's development goals and business plans.

- Budget execution: refers to the actual implementation of the budget plan to achieve budget goals.

- Budget control: refers to the supervision and control of the budget execution process to ensure that fund usage complies with the budget plan.

- Budget adjustment: refers to revising or adjusting the original budget plan according to actual circumstances.

- Budget management: refers to the unified coordination and management of all budget activities in a company.



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