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1. 什么是人中翘楚?

人中翘楚(rén zhōng qiáo chǔ)是指在某一领域或行业中具有卓越成就,被公认为最优秀、最杰出的人物。这种人具备非凡的能力、出众的才华和卓越的领导力,常常成为行业内的佼佼者,受到众人的敬仰和追捧。

2. 人中翘楚的读音读法

人中翘楚的拼音为rén zhōng qiáo chǔ,其中“翘”字读作qiáo(qiao2),意为突出、高出。这个词组也可以简写为“翘楚”。

3. 什么是人中翘楚?


4. 人中翘楚的用例






5. 人中翘楚的组词






6. 什么是人中翘楚?

Person of outstanding ability in a certain field or industry, who is recognized as the best and most outstanding. This person possesses extraordinary abilities, outstanding talent and excellent leadership skills, often becoming the leader in the industry and gaining respect and admiration from others.

1. What is a person of outstanding ability?

A person of outstanding ability is someone who has achieved remarkable success in a certain field or industry and is widely recognized and respected. They usually have exceptional abilities and outstanding talent, and have a significant influence on the development of their industry.

2. How to pronounce "person of outstanding ability"?

The pinyin for "person of outstanding ability" is "rén zhōng qiáo chǔ", with the character "翘" pronounced as "qiáo" (qiao2), meaning prominent or outstanding. This term can also be shortened to "翘楚".

3. What are the examples of persons of outstanding ability?

1) He is known as the true "person of outstanding ability" in the medical field, leading the world in surgical techniques.

2) This entrepreneur is a person of outstanding ability in the business world, with his company maintaining high-speed growth for many years and becoming a leading company in the industry.

3) This scientist is hailed as a person of outstanding ability in the physics field, with his research results leading the development direction of the entire industry.

4) She is a person of outstanding ability in literature, winning numerous literary awards with her excellent writing skills and keen insights.

5) This athlete is known as a person of outstanding ability in sports, achieving great results in international competitions and becoming a core member of the national team.

4. What are some compound words related to persons of outstanding ability?

1) Person of outstanding ability in business

2) Person of outstanding ability in science

3) Person of outstanding ability in literature

4) Person of outstanding ability in sports

5) Person of outstanding ability in art

In conclusion, a person who stands out among others and excels in their field or industry can be referred to as a "person of outstanding ability". They possess exceptional qualities that make them leaders and influencers within their respective fields. These individuals are highly respected and admired by others for their achievements and contributions, making them true "人中翘楚".


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