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方阵(fāng zhèn)读音为[fɑːŋ dʒən],其中“fāng”为轻声、平声,“zhèn”为轻声、上声。在汉语拼音中,“fāng”表示第一声,“zhèn”表示第三声。这个词汇没有多音字,读音比较简单。


1. 方阵作为一种结构形式,在上经常被用来指挥作战。,在古代战争中,将士们常常采用长蛇阵、鹤翼阵等不同类型的方阵来应对敌人。

2. 在数学中,方阵指由m行n列元素排列而成的矩形数组。它们可以进行加法和乘法运算,是线性代数的重要概念。

3. 在计算机科学中,方阵也被广泛应用于图像处理和模式识别。,人脸识别技术中常常使用方阵来表示图像特征。

4. 方阵也可以用来表示一种有序的排列方式。,在围棋中,棋盘就是一个19行19列的方阵,每个交叉点都有固定的位置关系。

5. 方阵还可以用来比喻某种规律性或者规则性的排列方式。,在社会生活中,人们常说“纪律严明、井然有序”的单位就像是一座座方阵。


1. 方块:由于方阵由若干行若干列的方块排列而成,因此“方块”可以视为与之相对应的组词。,“拼图游戏中需要将不同形状的方块放在正确的位置上”。

2. 队形:在领域,“队形”指士们按照一定规则排列成行或者成列。因此,“队形”也可以作为与“方阵”相关联的组词。,“士们按照长蛇阵队形前进”。

3. 矩形:方阵也可以被视为一种特殊的矩形,因此“矩形”也是一个相关联的组词。,“在几何学中,矩形是一种四边形,它的所有内角都是直角”。

4. 有序:方阵通常用来表示一种有序的结构或者排列方式,因此“有序”也可以视为与之相关联的组词。,“在这个公司里,所有工作都按照严格的流程进行,非常有序”。

5. 排列:方阵可以看作是一种规律性的排列方式,因此“排列”也是一个相关联的组词。,“这些书籍按照字母顺序排列在书架上”。


What is the meaning of 方阵?

方阵 (fāng zhèn) means an arrangement of squares or figures in rows and columns. It is often used to represent an ordered structure or formation, and can be seen in various fields such as mathematics, geometry, and computer science.

In military context, 方阵 is commonly used to command troops in battle. For instance, ancient Chinese soldiers would adopt different types of 方阵 such as "长蛇阵" (snake formation) and "鹤翼阵" (crane wing formation) to confront their enemies.

In mathematics, 方阵 refers to a rectangular array with m rows and n columns. It can be operated on by addition and multiplication, making it an important concept in linear algebra.

In computer science, 方阵 is widely used in image processing and pattern recognition. For example, it is commonly used to represent facial features in face recognition technology.

方阵 can also be used to represent an orderly arrangement. In the game of Go, the board is a 19x19 方阵 and each intersection has a fixed positional relationship.

Lastly, 方阵 can also be used metaphorically to describe a regular or systematic arrangement. For instance, people often say that a well-disciplined and orderly unit is like a square formation.

In summary, 方阵 is an arrangement of squares or figures in rows and columns that can represent an ordered structure or formation. It has various applications in military tactics, mathematics, computer science, and other fields. Some related words include "方块" (square), "队形" (formation), "矩形" (rectangle), "有序" (orderly), and "排列" (arrangement).


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