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2.消费心理学(xiāo fèi xīn lǐ xué)。


4.组词:消费心理学家(consumer psychologist)、消费决策(consumer decision)、购买意愿(purchase intention)、市场调研(market research)、品牌忠诚度(brand loyalty)。

5.What is Consumer Psychology?


6.Consumer psychology is the study of the psychological processes and behaviors of consumers when purchasing goods or services. It focuses on the decision-making process, preferences, attitudes, and behaviors of consumers, with the aim of helping businesses understand their needs and develop more effective marketing strategies.


Consumer psychology is a rapidly growing field, as businesses recognize the importance of understanding consumer behavior in order to succeed in the competitive market. It draws on insights from various disciplines such as psychology, sociology, and economics to provide a comprehensive understanding of consumer behavior.


The study of consumer psychology can be applied to various aspects of business, such as product design, pricing, promotion, and branding. By understanding the underlying motivations and decision-making processes of consumers, businesses can tailor their strategies to better meet their target audience's needs.


In conclusion, consumer psychology is a crucial aspect of understanding and predicting consumer behavior. By studying the psychological processes and behaviors of consumers, businesses can gain valuable insights to improve their marketing strategies and ultimately achieve success in the market.



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