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2.丫蛋的读音为yā dàn,在粤语中读作ngaa1 daan2,在闽南语中读作a1 dan5。在普通话中也可以读作yā dàn,但并不常见。


(1) 他家有两个丫蛋,一个五岁,一个六岁。

(2) 她是个可爱的小丫蛋。

(3) 我小时候也是个调皮的丫蛋。

(4) 那个小区里住着很多小丫蛋,都很活泼可爱。

(5) 她是个十足的小丫蛋,总是喜欢跟着大人学说话。









1. What does "丫蛋" mean? The usage and example sentences of "丫蛋".

2. "丫蛋" is a term for a young woman, usually a young girl. This word is commonly used in Cantonese and Minnan dialects, and sometimes in Mandarin spoken language. In Cantonese, "丫蛋" can be written as "丫童" or "丫仔", which all have the same meaning - a young woman.

3. Examples:

(1) There are two little girls in his family, one is five years old and the other is six.

(2) She is a lovely little girl.

(3) I was also a naughty little girl when I was young.

(4) There are many lively and cute little girls living in that neighborhood.

(5) She is a real little girl, always imitating adults' way of speaking.

4. Collocations:

(1) 小丫蛋 (xiǎo yā dàn): refers to a young girl.

(2) 大丫蛋 (dà yā dàn): refers to a slightly older woman.

(3) 美丽的小丫蛋 (měi lì de xiǎo yā dàn): describes a young and beautiful girl.

(4) 可爱的丫蛋 (kě ài de yā dàn): describes a young and cute girl.

(5) 丫蛋们 (yā dàn men): refers to a group of young women.



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