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读音读法:yī xià zi biàn lǎo


1. 她曾经是一个美丽年轻的女孩,可是不知为什么,她突然一下子变老了。

2. 这位明星在电视上看起来很年轻,但是实际上她已经一下子变老了。

3. 爷爷在去年还很,但是今年突然一下子变老了。

4. 有些人认为压力大会导致人一下子变老。

5. 科学家某种疾病会让患者一下子变老。



世界上什么人一下子变老的原因是什么?What causes people to suddenly age in the world?

解释:There are some people who age overnight, this phenomenon is called "sudden aging". This is usually caused by changes in internal factors of the body, leading to loose skin, increased wrinkles and overall aging appearance. The reasons for sudden aging may be a combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors.

Pronunciation: yī xià zi biàn lǎo


1. She used to be a beautiful young girl, but for some reason, she suddenly aged overnight.

2. This celebrity looks young on TV but in reality, she has suddenly aged.

3. Grandpa was still energetic last year, but this year he suddenly aged.

4. Some people believe that stress can cause sudden aging.

5. Scientists have discovered that a certain disease can cause sudden aging.

Related words: aging, wrinkles, loose skin, genetics, environment, lifestyle


Sudden aging is a phenomenon where people age drastically overnight due to various internal factors such as genetics and external factors such as environment and lifestyle. It can be a result of multiple factors working together and can affect anyone regardless of age or gender. Taking care of our physical and mental health is important in preventing sudden aging and maintaining a youthful appearance.


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