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1. 人们常常用丘比特来形容恋爱中的甜蜜感觉。

2. 在情人节,人们会赠送带有丘比特图案的礼物来表达对恋人的爱意。

3. 有些人会在婚礼上使用丘比特做装饰,象征着新婚夫妇之间的爱情。

4. 丘比特也经常出现在艺术作品中,比如绘画、雕塑和文学作品中,着爱情的力量。

5. 在一些古代文明中,人们会祈求丘比特帮助他们找到理想的伴侣。


1. 丘比特箭:指丘比特手中的箭,象征着爱情的力量。

2. 丘比特儿童:指那些像小天使一样可爱的孩子,也被称为“小丘比特”。

3. 丘比特节:指每年2月14日的情人节,也被称为“圣瓦伦丁节”。

4. 丘比特之箭:指某人突然产生强烈的爱慕之心,就像被丘比特之箭射中一样。

5. 金箭头:指被爱神丘比特射中心脏后所产生的强烈感觉。


Cupid is the Roman god of love, also known as the god of love Cupid. He is the son of the king of gods Jupiter and Zeus, and also the son of the goddess of beauty Venus. Cupid is often depicted as a little boy with a bow and arrow, using his golden arrows to shoot people's hearts and make them fall in love.

In Roman mythology, Cupid represents concepts such as love, desire, beauty, and sex. The word "Cupid" comes from the Latin word "Cupido", which means "desire". Here are some examples of the use of Cupid:

1. People often use Cupid to describe the sweet feeling of being in love.

2. On Valentine's Day, people give gifts with Cupid patterns to express their love for their partners.

3. Some people use Cupid as decoration at weddings, symbolizing the love between the newlyweds.

4. Cupid also appears in works of art such as paintings, sculptures, and literary works, representing the power of love.

5. In some ancient civilizations, people would pray to Cupid for help in finding their ideal partner.

Some words related to Cupid are:

1. Cupid's arrow: refers to the arrow in Cupid's hand, symbolizing the power of love.

2. Cupid's children: refers to cute children who are like little angels, also known as "little cupids".

3. Cupid's day: refers to Valentine's Day on February 14th.

4. Shot by cupid's arrow: refers to suddenly developing strong feelings for someone, just like being shot by an arrow from Cupid.

5. Golden arrowhead: refers to the intense feeling that arises when someone is shot in the heart by the god of love.



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