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1. 丝纷是指细小的丝状物,也指纤细的丝线。:空气中飘荡着几缕丝纷的雪花。

2. 丝纷的用法:作为名词使用,可以单独使用,也可以作为定语或宾语。:这件衣服上有些许丝纷的绣花;她手里拿着一束漂亮的丝纷花。

3. 丝纷的例句:






4. 丝纷的组词:



5. 丝纷是什么意思?Silk is a small, thread-like substance or a thin thread. For example: there are a few strands of silk snowflakes floating in the air.

Silk's usage: As a noun, it can be used alone or as an adjective or object. For example: this dress has some delicate silk embroidery; she holds a beautiful bouquet of silk flowers.

Silk's example sentences:

(1) They saw some strands of spider webs floating in the trees during their morning walk.

(2) She lightly stroked the strings with her fingers, producing a pleasant sound of silk.

(3) At night, countless tiny strands of silk light up under the starry sky.

(4) She was wearing a white dress with delicate silk embroidery on the hem.

(5) The river is crystal clear and occasionally there are fish swimming in it, leaving behind tiny ripples of silk.

Silk's word combinations:

(1) Silk snowflakes, fine rain of silk, spider webs made of silk threads, bouquet of silk flowers, delicate silk embroidery, strands of silk light, intricate silk embroidery, soft ripples of silk.

(2) Tiny strands of silk, delicate strands of silk, soft strands of silk, beautiful strands of silk, gentle strands of silk, clear strands of silk.

6. 总结:丝纷是指细小的丝状物,也可以指纤细的丝线。作为名词使用,可以单独使用,也可以作为定语或宾语。丝纷常常用来形容柔软、精致、漂亮的物品。在古诗词中也常用丝纷来形容细腻的感觉。:丝纷细雨、丝纷花雨、丝纷月色等。总的来说,丝纷是一种美好而柔和的形容词,在描述物品或景色时具有很强的美感和文学性。



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