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5.The theorem of perpendicular lines, also known as the perpendicular theorem, is an important theorem in plane geometry. It states that if a point lies on a line, then the perpendicular line drawn from this point to the line will form a right triangle with the other two sides perpendicular to the original line.

6.There are multiple methods to prove the theorem of perpendicular lines. Two commonly used methods are introduced below:

(1) Using the Pythagorean theorem: Let P be a point on the line AB, and draw a perpendicular line PH from P to AB. Connect PA and PB. According to the Pythagorean theorem, we know that AP²=PH²+AH², BP²=PH²+BH². Adding these two equations, we get AP²+BP²=AH²+BH². By applying the Pythagorean theorem again in right triangles APH and BPH, where AP and BP are the hypotenuses and AH and BH are the other two sides, we can conclude that AP²+BP²=AH²+BH². This holds true for any point P on the line AB.

(2) Using vector operations: Let P be a point on the line AB, and draw a perpendicular line PH from P to AB. Connect PA and PB. According to vector operations, in parallelogram APHB, vector PA is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to vector HB, and vector PB is equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to vector HA. Therefore, we can conclude that vector PA + vector PB = 0, which holds true for any point P on the line AB.

The theorem of perpendicular lines has practical applications as well. For example, in architectural design, we often need to determine the position and direction of a building based on its distance from a certain point or line.

In conclusion, whether using Pythagorean theorem or vector operations, the theorem of perpendicular lines is an important concept in geometry with various applications in real life situations.


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