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yī kàn cháng yī duàn de yì si shì shén me?

yī kàn cháng yī duàn de yì si shì zhǐ kàn dào mǒu gè qíng kuàng huò zhě mǒu gè rén, jiù gǎn dào fēi cháng shāng xīn huò zhě nán guò, nèi xīn shí fēn tòng kǔ. zhè zhǒng qíng kuàng tōng cháng shì yīn wèi tū rán fā shēng le yī jiàn bù xìng de shì qíng, ràng rén gǎn dào cuò shǒu bú jí, wú fǎ jiē shòu xiàn shí. zhè ge cí yǔ cháng yòng yú xíng zhuàng duì mǒu jiàn shì qing huò zhě mǒu gè rén de shī wàng hé bēi shāng.









One look at the meaning of "yī kàn cháng yī duàn"?

One look at the meaning of "yī kàn cháng yī duàn" refers to feeling extremely sad or distressed when seeing a certain situation or person, causing great pain in one's heart. This situation is usually due to a sudden unfortunate event that catches one off guard and is unable to accept reality. This term is often used to describe disappointment and sadness towards a certain matter or person.

Pronunciation and usage of "yī kàn cháng yī duàn"

yī kàn cháng yī duàn de yì si shì shén me?

yī kàn cháng yī duàn de yì si shì zhǐ kàn dào mǒu gè qíng kuàng huò zhě mǒu gè rén, jiù gǎn dào fēi cháng shāng xīn huò zhě nán guò, nèi xīn shí fēn tòng kǔ. Zhè zhǒng qíng kuàng tōng cháng shì yīn wèi tū rán fā shēng le yī jiàn bù xìng de shì qíng, ràng rén gǎn dào cuò shǒu bú jí, wú fǎ jiē shòu xiàn shí. Zhè ge cí yǔ cháng yòng yú xíng zhuàng duì mǒu jiàn shì qing huò zhě mǒu gè rén de shī wàng hé bēi shāng.

Examples of "yī kàn cháng yī duàn"

1. Upon hearing the news of her death, I was overwhelmed with sadness and couldn't control myself.

2. His father's sudden passing left him feeling devastated and completely shattered.

3. When he found out he was fired from the company, his expression was one of deep distress.

4. He used to be an optimistic and cheerful person, but after going through that incident, he became one who is easily distressed.

5. When her dream was shattered, she felt a sense of powerlessness and despair that was simply one look at the meaning of "yī kàn cháng yī duàn".

Words related to "yī kàn cháng yī duàn"

Heartbroken, distressed, sorrowful, disappointed, painful, caught off guard, unable to accept reality, losing confidence.

In summary, "yī kàn cháng yī duàn" describes a feeling of deep sadness and distress when faced with an unexpected and unfortunate event. It is often used to express disappointment and despair towards a certain situation or person. This term serves as a reminder that life can be unpredictable and sometimes we are caught off guard by things that break our hearts.


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