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yī shēng hé qiú (yī shēng hé qiú)。


1. 他一生何求,只是想要平平安安地过完这一生。

2. 她一生何求,就是希望能够实现自己的梦想。

3. 我们都有自己的一生何求,但最终都希望能够得到幸福和满足。

4. 他从小就有着远大的理想,一生何求就是要成为一个成功的企业家。

5. 她虽然身处逆境,但仍然坚持不懈地追寻着自己的一生何求。


- 追寻

- 成就

- 梦想

- 追逐

- 生活

One's lifelong pursuit (meaning):

"One's lifelong pursuit" is an idiom that refers to the biggest goal, wish, or ideal that a person pursues in their lifetime. It can be used to express one's pursuit of life, expectations for life, or to describe one's pursuit of excellence and greatness.

One's lifelong pursuit (pronunciation):

Yī shēng hé qiú (yī shēng hé qiú).

One's lifelong pursuit (examples):

1. What is his lifelong pursuit? He just wants to live a peaceful life.

2. Her lifelong pursuit is to fulfill her dreams.

3. We all have our own lifelong pursuits, but ultimately we all hope for happiness and contentment.

4. Since he was young, he has had grand ambitions. His lifelong pursuit is to become a successful entrepreneur.

5. Despite facing adversity, she still perseveres in her lifelong pursuit.

One's lifelong pursuit (related words):

- Pursuit

- Achievement

- Dream

- Chase

- Life


"One's lifelong pursuit" is an idiom that describes the biggest goal, wish, or ideal that a person pursues in their lifetime. It can be used to express one's pursuit of life, expectations for life, or to describe one's pursuit of excellence and greatness. The pronunciation of this idiom is "yī shēng hé qiú" and it can be used in various situations to convey a person's aspirations and desires in life. Some related words include "pursuit," "achievement," "dream," "chase," and "life." Ultimately, everyone has their own unique lifelong pursuits but the common goal is often happiness and fulfillment.


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