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1. “这个任务只能由一人完成。”

2. “我只能带一人进入会场。”

3. “每次旅行都只带一人作伴。”

4. “请每人拿一张纸。”

5. “我和他是一人之下万人之上。”


yī rén


1. 他一个人完成了整个项目。

2. 这件事情只能由你一人来决定。

3. 我们每个家庭都有一名工作的成年人。

4. 请每位顾客限购两件商品。

5. 我们是同一个团队,我们要团结合作。


1. 三五成群:形容几个朋友或同伴聚在一起。

2. 大伙儿:指集体中所有的成员。

3. 单身狗:指没有恋爱对象或结婚对象的单身男女。

4. 好友:指亲密无间、彼此信任、关系融洽的朋友。

5. 同学:指同班或同校的学生。


One person means a single individual, and can also refer to a specific person. In Chinese, one person is usually used to indicate a quantity of 1, or to emphasize a specific individual.

Usage and Examples of One Person:

1. "This task can only be completed by one person."

2. "I can only bring one person into the venue."

3. "I always travel with just one companion."

4. "Please take one sheet of paper per person."

5. "He and I are like one in ten thousand."


yī rén

Usage and Examples of One Person:

1. He completed the entire project by himself.

2. This matter can only be decided by you alone.

3. Every household has at least one working adult.

4. Please limit each customer to two items.

5. We are all part of the same team and must work together.

Related Words:

1. Three or five people together: Describes several friends or companions gathering together.

2. Everyone: Refers to all members in a group.

3. Single dog: Refers to single men or women without romantic partners or marriage prospects.

4. Good friend: Describes an intimate, trusting, and harmonious friendship.

5. Classmate: Refers to students in the same class or school.


一人 is used to indicate a single individual or emphasize a specific person in Chinese language, while its usage in English is more versatile and can refer to both quantity and emphasis on an individual. It is important to pay attention to context when using this word in both languages as it may have different implications based on the situation.

In summary, 一人 is a commonly used word that carries different meanings and connotations depending on the language being used. It is important to understand its usage in both Chinese and English to effectively communicate and avoid confusion.


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