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meaning: A noun clause is a dependent clause that functions as a noun in a sentence. It can act as the subject, object, or complement of a verb.


pronunciation: /naʊn klɔːz/

usage: Noun clauses are commonly used to add information or provide details about the main clause in a sentence. They are introduced by words such as "that," "whether," or "if."

example 1: The teacher asked if we had finished our homework before class.


example 2: I don't know where she went after the party.


example 3: The fact that he failed the test surprised everyone.


example 4: She is worried that her parents won't approve of her career choice.


example 5: The question of whether to go on vacation or not was still undecided.


synonyms and usage:

- subordinate clause (used to describe any type of dependent clause)

- nominal clause (used to describe a noun clause that functions as a subject or object)

- relative clause (used to describe a noun clause that modifies a noun in the main clause)

editor's summary:

Noun clauses are an important aspect of English grammar and can add complexity and depth to sentences. They are introduced by specific words and can function as subjects, objects, or complements in a sentence. Other terms, such as subordinate and nominal clauses, can also be used to describe different types of dependent clauses. As an editor, it is important to understand the various types of clauses and their usage in order to effectively communicate in written English.


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