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香珀碾花娇有意,绿茸绣叶涩无光 诗词名句

一:香珀碾花娇有意,绿茸绣叶涩无光 诗词名句的意思



香珀碾花娇有意:xiāng pò niǎn huā jiāo yǒu yì

香珀碾花娇有意,绿茸绣叶涩无光 诗词名句

绿茸绣叶涩无光:lǜ róng xiù yè sè wú guāng




1. 她站在窗前,听着雨声,心里想起那首诗:“香珀碾花娇有意,绿茸绣叶涩无光。”

She stood by the window, listening to the rain, thinking of the poem: "The fragrant amber crushes the delicate flowers with intention, while the green velvet leaves lose their luster in the rain."

2. 每当夜晚下雨,他总是会想起那个远方的人,心中不禁默念:“香珀碾花娇有意,绿茸绣叶涩无光。”

Every time it rains at night, he would think of that distant person and silently recite in his heart: "The fragrant amber crushes the delicate flowers with intention, while the green velvet leaves lose their luster in the rain."

3. 在这个孤独的夜晚,她仿佛能听到那首诗中的每一个字都在呼唤着她:“香珀碾花娇有意,绿茸绣叶涩无光。”

On this lonely night, she could almost hear every word of that poem calling out to her: "The fragrant amber crushes the delicate flowers with intention, while the green velvet leaves lose their luster in the rain."

4. 他用手指轻轻拂过树叶,感受着那湿漉漉的触感,心中想起了那首诗:“香珀碾花娇有意,绿茸绣叶涩无光。”

He gently brushed his fingers over the leaves, feeling their damp touch, and thought of that poem: "The fragrant amber crushes the delicate flowers with intention, while the green velvet leaves lose their luster in the rain."

5. 雨夜里,她看着窗外的花园,想起了那首诗:“香珀碾花娇有意,绿茸绣叶涩无光。”她不禁为远方的人祈祷,希望他也能听到这雨声中的思念。

On a rainy night, she looked at the garden outside and thought of that poem: "The fragrant amber crushes the delicate flowers with intention, while the green velvet leaves lose their luster in the rain." She couldn't help but pray for that distant person, hoping he could hear her longing in the sound of rain.


1. 香珀:琥珀、琥珀色。可用来形容颜色或宝石般闪耀的东西。

2. 碾花:打落、摔落。可用来形容花朵被雨水打落在地上。

3. 娇有意:美丽动人、令人怜惜。可用来形容人或物的美丽和令人心生怜惜的特质。

4. 绿茸:柔软、细腻。可用来形容树叶湿漉漉的触感。

5. 绣叶:华丽、精致。可用来形容树叶上的雨滴,也可以比喻精美的装饰。

6. 涩无光:失去光彩、黯淡无光。可用来形容物品因为受到外界影响而失去往日的鲜艳。




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