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Meaning: To make a significant improvement in one's English skills or proficiency.

Pronunciation: /ˈflaɪjəp ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ ˈhaʊ tə raɪt/

Usage: This phrase is used to describe the act of making a great leap or progress in one's ability to speak, read, and write in English. It can refer to both formal language education as well as self-study and practice.


Example Sentences:

1. She has been studying English for only a few months, but she has already made a huge leap in her speaking and writing abilities. (她只学习了几个月的英语,但是她的口语和写作能力已经有了巨大的提高。)

2. He credited his success in the job interview to his recent flying leap in English, which allowed him to communicate confidently with the interviewer. (他把自己在求职面试中的成功归功于最近在英语方面的飞跃,这让他能够自信地与面试官交流。)

3. I never thought I could understand Shakespeare's plays, but after taking an intensive language course, I made a flying leap in my understanding of his works. (我从来没想过我能理解莎士比亚的戏剧,但是在参加一门密集课程后,我对他的作品有了飞跃式的理解。)

4. The company offers various language programs for employees who want to make a flying leap in their business communication skills. (公司为那些想要在商务沟通技巧上有飞跃提升的员工提供多种语言培训计划。)

5. As an international student, she made a flying leap in her English proficiency by immersing herself in the language and culture of her country. (作为一名国际学生,她通过沉浸在所在的语言和文化中,使自己的英语能力有了飞跃式的提升。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Great progress: This phrase can be used to describe a significant improvement in one's English skills, similar to a flying leap. Example: She has made great progress in her English since starting her language exchange program.

2. Remarkable improvement: This phrase can also be used to describe a notable increase in one's proficiency in English, similar to making a flying leap. Example: After attending the advanced writing workshop, he showed remarkable improvement in his essay writing skills.

Editor's Note:

Making a flying leap in English requires dedication, hard work, and consistent practice. It is important to set achievable goals and seek out opportunities for immersion and language exchange to continue improving one's skills. Remember that progress takes time and patience, but with determination, anyone can make a flying leap in their English abilities.


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