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2.《采桑子》的读音为cǎi sāng zǐ,其中“采”字读作cǎi,意为“采摘”,“桑”字读作sāng,意为“桑树”,“子”字读作zǐ,意为“儿子”。整体意思为“采摘桑树下的儿子”。



5.1. “采桑子,黄昏后。”这句话揭示了少年在黄昏时分去采摘桑树下的儿子,暗喻少年追逐金钱和权力的欲望已经蒙蔽了他的良知。

2. “不闻机杼声声急,只是夜深人静处。”这句话表达了少年对家庭责任的漠视,在夜深人静时仍然沉浸于自己的贪婪欲望之中。

3. “一身都是风流债,十载一剑走天涯。”这句话暗指少年为了追求金钱和权力而放弃了自己原本幸福安稳的生活,并最终走向悲剧。

4. “独立守空房,清光寒月影中啼。”这句话表达了少年在追求金钱和权力的过程中孤独无助的心情,也暗示了他最终被桑树下的月光所惩罚。

5. “采桑子,何处寻?天涯海角尽相同。”这句话表达了人们都有追求财富和权力的欲望,但最终都会走向相同的结局。


7.《采桑子》The Story and Meaning

1. "Cai Sang Zi" is a poem from the Tang Dynasty, written by the famous poet Li Bai. This poem tells a tragic story of a young man who falls into tragedy due to his greed. Through the description of the young man's fate, the poet reflects on the consequences of human greed and desires, and expresses criticism and warning towards negative phenomena in society.

2. The pronunciation of "Cai Sang Zi" is cǎi sāng zǐ, with "cai" pronounced as cǎi meaning "to pick", "sang" as sāng meaning "mulberry tree", and "zi" as zǐ meaning "son". The overall meaning is "picking the son under the mulberry tree".

3. "Cai Sang Zi" tells the story of a young man who falls into tragedy due to his greed. In this poem, the young man is described as greedy, selfish, and disregarding others' feelings. He pursues wealth and power, takes over his family's belongings after his parents' death, and abandons his only sister who cares for and loves him. In the end, while chasing after money and power, he is punished and dies under the mulberry tree.

4. The story and meaning of "Cai Sang Zi" can also be used as a metaphor for people's pursuit of material gain while neglecting morals and relationships in real life. In this poem, the fate of the young man serves as a warning for people not to be blinded by greed and desires, but to cherish their family and friendships, and not let money and power cloud their conscience.

5. 1. "Picking mulberry trees after dusk." This line reveals that the young man goes to pick his son under the mulberry tree at dusk, implying that his desire for wealth and power has blinded his conscience.

2. "Not hearing the sound of loom in haste, only in silence at night." This line expresses the young man's disregard for family responsibilities as he remains immersed in his greedy desires even when it is quiet at night.

3. "His whole body is burdened with debts from debauchery,

Ten years later he wields a sword on a journey afar." This line alludes to how he abandons his previously happy and stable life to pursue wealth and power, eventually leading to tragedy.

4. "Standing alone guarding an empty house,

In the clear moonlight he cries." This line reflects on how lonely and helpless he feels while chasing after wealth and power, and foreshadows his punishment under the moonlight.

5. "Picking mulberry trees, where to find?

The ends of the earth all lead to the same fate." This line expresses how everyone has the desire for wealth and power, but ultimately leads to the same outcome.

6. "Cai Sang Zi", "Greed", "Tragedy", "Warning" are some words that can be associated with this poem. For example: "unbridled greed", "tragic fate", "warning human nature".



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