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Meaning: To have a strong desire or urge to write in English.


Pronunciation: [fēn cháng xiǎng yīng wén zěn me xiě]

Usage: This phrase is often used to express one's longing or eagerness to write in English.

Example 1: I have been studying English for years and now I am very eager to start writing in English. Non-native speakers like me often have a strong desire to express ourselves in this beautiful language. (我已经学习英语多年,现在我非常渴望开始用英语写作。像我这样的非母语者经常有强烈的愿望用这种美丽的语言表达自己。)

Example 2: As an international student, I always have a strong desire to improve my English writing skills. Writing is not only a way to communicate, but also a way to express our thoughts and emotions. (作为一名国际学生,我总是非常想提高我的英语写作能力。写作不仅是一种交流方式,也是表达我们的思想和情感的方式。)

Example 3: After watching an inspiring TED talk, I felt a sudden urge to write down my thoughts and share them with others in English. (在观看了一场激励人心的TED演讲后,我突然有了用英文记录我的想法并与他人分享的冲动。)

Synonyms and Usage:

1. Long for/Yearn for - These words can also be used to express a strong desire for something, including writing in English. (渴望)

2. Crave/Desire - These words can be used to express a strong longing or eagerness for something, including writing in English. (渴望)

3. Itch to write - This phrase is often used to describe a strong desire or urge to write. (痒痒想写)

Editor's Summary: The phrase "非常想英文怎么写" is commonly used among non-native English speakers to express their strong desire or urge to write in English. It can be used in various contexts, such as expressing a longing to improve one's writing skills or a sudden urge to share thoughts and ideas in English. Synonyms such as "long for" and "crave" can also be used interchangeably with this phrase.


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