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Hogwarts Herbology Course - Mainline Herbology Course Walkthrough - 13



【读音】Huò gé wò cí zhī yí cǎo yào xué kè chéng zěn me guò - zhǔ xiàn cǎo yào xué kè chéng tōng guān gōng lüè - shí sān



1. The Hogwarts Herbology Course is a challenging but rewarding class for young witches and wizards. (霍格沃茨之遗草药学课程对年轻的女巫和男巫来说是一门具有挑战性但又值得的课程。)

2. In order to pass the Mainline Herbology Course, students must demonstrate their knowledge of various magical herbs and their uses. (为了通过主线草药学课程,学生必须展示他们对各种神奇草药及其用途的了解。)

3. The 13th lesson of the Hogwarts Herbology Course focuses on the properties and uses of the rare Wolfsbane plant. (霍格沃茨之遗草药学课程的第13课专注于罕见的狼毒植物的特性和用途。)

4. Professor Sprout, the Herbology teacher, is known for her extensive knowledge and passion for plants. (霍格沃茨之遗草药学课程的教师斯普劳特教授以其对植物的广博知识和热情而闻名。)

5. Neville Longbottom, a former student of Hogwarts Herbology Course, now runs his own herb shop in Diagon Alley. (纳威尔·朗巴顿曾是霍格沃茨之遗草药学课程的学生,现在在对角巷开了自己的草药店。)


1. Magical Herbology Course - 魔法草药学课程

2. Plant Science - 植物科学

3. Herb Cultivation - 草药种植

4. Potion Making - 药水制作

5. Botanical Studies - 植物研究



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