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The English translation of "隔墙有耳" is "the walls have ears". It is a Chinese proverb that means someone may be listening to your conversation without you knowing.


[gé qiáng yǒu ěr]


"隔墙有耳" is often used as a warning to be careful about what you say, as there may be someone eavesdropping on your conversation. It can also be used to describe a situation where secrets or private information may be leaked without one's knowledge.


1. 我们要小心说话,因为隔墙有耳。

We need to be careful about what we say, because the walls have ears.

2. 他们在隔壁房间谈论我们,记住,隔墙有耳。

They were talking about us in the next room, remember, the walls have ears.

3. 在圈,大家都知道隔墙有耳的道理。

In the political circle, everyone knows the truth that the walls have ears.

4. 不要以为你们的谈话在私下里就是安全的,记住,隔墙有耳。

Don't think your private conversations are safe, remember, the walls have ears.

5. 她自己被人偷听了,她真是忘记了隔墙有耳这句话。

She realized she was being eavesdropped on, she had forgotten the saying that the walls have ears.


1. 偷听 (tiōu tīng) - to eavesdrop

2. (qiè tīng) - to wiretap

3. (jiān tīng) - to monitor/listen in on

4. 耳目一新 (ěr mù yī xīn) - to have a fresh perspective/look at things

5. 神通广大 (shén tōng guǎng dà) - to have great powers and abilities


"隔墙有耳" is a popular Chinese proverb that serves as a reminder to be cautious about what we say, as there may be someone listening in on our conversations without us knowing. It can also be used figuratively to describe situations where secrets or private information may be leaked without one's knowledge. Other similar phrases such as "偷听" and "" also convey the idea of secretly listening in on someone's conversation, while phrases like "耳目一新" and "神通广大" highlight the ability to gain new perspectives or possess great powers and abilities.


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